Even worse yet, the Bush Jr administration then went to the
United Nations Security Council where it procured Resolution 1472 (28
March 2003) effectively ratifying the status quo of the United States
and the United Kingdom as the belligerent occupants of Iraq. Pursuant to
the requirements of the United Nations Charter, the United Nations
Security Council should have soundly condemned the United States and the
United Kingdom for their naked aggression against Iraq, and have
demanded their immediate withdrawal from that victim U.N. member state,
together with the payment of reparations to Iraq for their joint and
severable aggression. Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter mandates
that the Security Council act immediately and effectively to prevent,
repress, and reverse "threats to the peace, breaches of the peace, and
acts of aggression." By contrast, from August 2002 through March 2003
the Member States of the U.N. Security Council did not lift one finger
to save Iraq from the obviously oncoming U.S./U.K. aggression. Indeed,
Security Council Resolution 1441 of 8 November 2002 was originally
drafted to facilitate the U.S./U.K. aggression against Iraq by issuing a
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