Signal Problem
(too old to reply)
Felix Wüst
2005-11-18 14:33:17 UTC

Can anyone tell me why it does this:
Loading Image...

Thanks in advance,

Michael Blunck
2005-11-18 15:14:42 UTC
Post by Felix Wüst
You´d have to use 2-way signals at the entry of a station to get trains
using more than one track, not 1-way signals. 1-way signals at the exit
are OK, though.

Tom Cumming
2005-11-18 15:21:03 UTC
Post by Felix Wüst
Change the station entrance signals so that they are two-way
signals. For some reason, if a train is presented with a choice of
one-way signals, it will always take the shortest route, even if
the signal is red. If a train is presented with a choice of
two-way signals however, and the shortest route is red, it will
choose the next best option.

Hope that helps.
Josef Drexler
2005-11-18 15:59:03 UTC
Post by Felix Wüst
Change the station entrance signals so that they are two-way signals.
For some reason, if a train is presented with a choice of one-way
signals, it will always take the shortest route, even if the signal is
red. If a train is presented with a choice of two-way signals however,
and the shortest route is red, it will choose the next best option.
Yes, that's how TTD's signal logic works.

if shortest path begins with a one-way signal,
go there, no matter whether it's red or green;
else // shortest path begins with a two-way signal
if signal is green,
go there
go to closest green two-way signal instead
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
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Felix Wüst
2005-11-20 21:31:35 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Change the station entrance signals so that they are two-way signals.
Okay, thanks. That did it...
Post by Josef Drexler
For some reason, if a train is presented with a choice of one-way
signals, it will always take the shortest route, even if the signal is
red. If a train is presented with a choice of two-way signals however,
and the shortest route is red, it will choose the next best option.
Yes, that's how TTD's signal logic works.
if shortest path begins with a one-way signal,
go there, no matter whether it's red or green;
else // shortest path begins with a two-way signal
if signal is green,
go there
go to closest green two-way signal instead
Is there any reason you can change that? Setting Waypoints is going to make
me crazy some day.

Greetz, Felix
Stevie D
2005-11-20 22:29:09 UTC
Post by Felix Wüst
Is there any reason you can change that? Setting Waypoints is going to make
me crazy some day.
That is the most sensible way to have it.

There has to be _some_ way to distinguish between situations where the
train *must* take a certain route (eg at a junction), and situations
where trains can take *any* route (eg on the approach to a 4-platform

The approach to a station is the most likely time you will want the
train to choose any available route, and likewise, the entrance to a
(terminus) station is the most likely time you will want to have 2-way
track. So it makes perfect sense to have 2-way signals giving that
option to trains.
Stevie D
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