Alpha 69 problems - fixed?
(too old to reply)
Ronnie Clark
2006-03-11 00:08:37 UTC
Hi Josef, et al,

I've been playing a lot on Alpha 69 and begun experiencing problems which I
haven't seen as being corrected in history logs for a70, a71, a72, a73 and

Basically, after a certain period of time my towns start to degenerate. The
first symptom seems to be that on a non-road tile near the centre of the
town, the town will delete whatever building is there and build a single
tile of road (that doesn't connect to other tiles). Soon after, it becomes
apparent that some buildings are being downgraded whilst others are simply
being turned back to bare land. The building of random single tiles of road
continues near the town centre, and the town as a whole continues to shrink.

Ironically, this has forced me to play more prototypically, as hugely
complex passenger networks need slimming down as passenger numbers fall :)

Is this a known problem / fixed, or am I creating this problem via some
obscure combinations in my .cfgs?
Adjust the farmyard animals before replying
Tom Cumming
2006-03-11 10:47:04 UTC
Post by Ronnie Clark
Ironically, this has forced me to play more prototypically, as hugely
complex passenger networks need slimming down as passenger numbers fall :)
That sounds quite fun in a strange kind of a way - I tend to find that
after a few "years" of playing a single game, things just get so busy and
crazy I just give up and start a new game.
Michael Blunck
2006-03-11 17:03:52 UTC
Ronnie Clark wrote:

[building of random single tiles of road]

Sounds like you´re using trams. That feature seems still to be buggy,
nevertheless some of its bugs have been removed in recent versions. Try
2.5 beta 1.

Ronnie Clark
2006-03-11 17:32:56 UTC
Post by Michael Blunck
[building of random single tiles of road]
Sounds like youŽre using trams. That feature seems still to be buggy,
nevertheless some of its bugs have been removed in recent versions. Try
2.5 beta 1.
Alas, I have now upgraded to 2.5 b1 but none of the new vehicle graphics
sets work, despite downloading the latest versions. In the case of the DB
Set XL (for Windows) v0.82, I get invalid sprite #42, code 24/5. All the
vehicle sets I have come up with the same code 24/5 on various sprites. It
doesn't affect non-vehicle sets.
Adjust the farmyard animals before replying
Michael Blunck
2006-03-11 19:15:25 UTC
[using 2.5beta1] I get invalid sprite #42, code 24/5. All the
vehicle sets I have come up with the same code 24/5 on various sprites.
"If you find that a large number of your .grf files suddenly
have "invalid sprite" problems, you have probably accidentally enabled
"mandatory GRF Resource Management" mode. This is mainly useful for
graphics authors to test that their .grf files conform to the GRM specs,
for most other people it should be turned of with
"experimentalfeatures.mandatorygrm off" in ttdpatch.cfg."
(Josef Drexler in ttdpatch-announce)

Josef Drexler
2006-03-11 21:36:05 UTC
"[...] for most other people it should be turned off with
"experimentalfeatures.mandatorygrm off" in ttdpatch.cfg."
(Josef Drexler in ttdpatch-announce)
...as well as the beta 1 announcement here :)
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
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