TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 38
(too old to reply)
Josef Drexler
2004-11-01 04:11:07 UTC
Hi patch fans,

After a long wait (due to both the release of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion
as well as being busy with other things in my life), I've finally had the
time to work on TTDPatch again. The result is alpha 38, which you can
(as usual) find at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/

There are a bunch of changes in this alpha, quite aside from the usual
bugfixes and improvements for new graphics authors (see below for

One change is how bit switches are handled in the ttdpatch.cfg
configuration file. You can now specify them in the form "switch.bit
on/off", e.g. "miscmods.gradualloadbywagon off". This makes it a lot
easier to pick which bits you want enabled and which you don't. To
convert your existing ttdpatch.cfg into this format, simply run
"ttdpatch(w) -W ttdpatch.cfg" from a command line.

Another change is that I've written a new "sprite sorter". This sorter
is the part of the graphics engines that makes sure things are drawn in
the right order, that objects that are in front of other objects actually
get drawn that way. The new sorter is much more stable and does a better
job in particular when objects are very close (so that their 3D bounding
boxes intersect). In TTD, that would cause the sprites to be drawn in a
random order, which you would notice for example when ships occupy the
same space. The new sorter stops the flickering and always draws the
same ship in front. This is particularly needed for some of the new
graphics sets with short wagons, where this was also a problem. There is
one particular problem with this new sorter that I know of, and that is
with trains going on electrified tracks under bridges. It may be that
fixing this will require new electrified track graphics, so I'm holding
off with fixing it until I'm sure what will be needed.

Csaba has again written a bunch of bugfixes, as well as some improvements
to the mouse wheel routines. Now the wheel also cycles the display
options in the map window, and he has written support for older
("legacy") mouse wheel drivers. Enable that if your mouse wheel didn't
work before, otherwise leave it as it is.

I've also changed the station construction window again, now it shows the
new station selection simply as drop-down boxes, which allows for much
faster access when you have many new station sets installed. Also, the
buttons for larger stations and the new station graphics buttons are
added independently, so you can use new station graphics without having
the buttons for longer/more platforms.

Finally, I've changed the "Cht: FindLostWagons" sign cheat to not only
look for lost wagons, but for lost engines (multi-heads) as well. The
name stays the same, but if you previously had some depots you could not
remove, yet the sign cheat found no lost wagons, try again and it should
work this time. I believe I've also fixed the bug which caused wagons to
be lost, if you still find wagons going missing please file a bug report
and let me know.

Thanks for waiting for the next alpha, and I hope there are still people
playing TTD+Patch and that not everybody has converted to Locomotion :)

Have fun,

All changes in 2.0.1 alpha 38:
- added Csaba's changes from 2.0.1 alpha 37 VCS:
* additions and fixes in newgrf.txt
* allowing "ancient" and "protected" building types (more info
in newgrf.txt)
* variable 45 to check if a random town is being generated
* fixed new house types having their timers screwed up if their
subtitute type was type 4 or 5
* (devel) newhouses now uses the features of grfload.asm
instead of its own functions. (saves some space in
- added improved sprite sorter to fix flickering especially of short
train vehicles; enabled by default, disable with
"miscmods.nonewspritesorter on"
- added Csaba's changes from 2.0.1 alpha 37 VCS 2:
* some clarifications about buildings in newgrf.txt.
* sloped multi-tile buildings no longer have extra foundation
edges between their groundtiles (needs trkfundw.grf to work
* mouse wheel now cycles through map modes in mini-map
* support for legacy mouse wheel drivers (needed under Win95
and under Win98 for some drivers/mice). Can be enabled by
adding 4 to the value of the mousewheel switch. If you have
Win2000/WinXP or your mouse wheel already works correctly,
you can safely disable it. This feature wasn't tested
thoroughly since I can't test it myself. Please contact me if
your mouse wheel doesn't work even with legacy support
* newtownnames now work correctly with more than 16 random bits
per name part, and checks for invalid startbit/bitcount
* building flag 1 (build only on flat land) now works correctly
for 1x2 and 2x1 buildings as well.
- revamped the bit switch handling, now you can set them using the
form of "miscmods.nodefaultoldtracktype on"; use -W to write a new
configuration file in that format. The old way of "miscmods 1024"
remains valid, of course.
- new callback 19 to append text after cargo type, shown in
refitting window and in vehicle display of capacity; use action 4
text ID D0xx to set text.
- new station selection is now done via drop-down lists for faster
- fixed bug with feederservice income for aircraft getting added to
ship income and vice versa
- fixed bug with station +7 button sometimes not getting deactivated
for stations which do not support it
- fixed bug with train capacity callback using wrong capacities
- fixed station selection not resetting itself when old station type
- fixed crash when attempt to buy new rail vehicle failed
- added Csaba's changes from 2.0.1 alpha 37 VCS 3:
* added some color mapping information to newgrf.txt
* the state of the newhouses switch can be checked from grfs
(bit 59)
* bug: random house graphics were always re-randomized after
loading a game
* bug: New house types displayed incorrectly if graphics
weren't available.
- allow grf to force-activate itself (useful for title screen), use
action E on its own GRFID to activate itself
- new action 7/9 variable 92 (BYTE) is 0 in title screen, 1 in game
and 2 in editor
- "Cht: FindLostWagons" now also finds lost dual head engines
- reorganized action 3 handling, generic callbacks are now chainable
- fixed "Default" button in grfstat window to correctly handle !
- added missing factory to "fund industry" window in tropical
- fixed bug with fast-wagon sell on dual-headed train causing
additional engines to get "lost"
- fixed crash when copying/sharing orders in multiplayer games
- fixed bug with copying orders copying current order index as well
- it's now possible to un-share orders by Ctrl-clicking on the Reset
button (this keeps the orders and just makes them unshared)
- newstations buttons and larger station buttons are now added
independently from the enhancegui switch
- fixed enhancegui .cfg description in the translations
- fixed bug with newbridges sprite tables not being reset when grf
is turned off
- fixed bug with ctrl-buying single head of dualheaded train costing
right amount but setting value twice as high
Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Josef Drexler
2004-11-01 07:42:09 UTC


The first version of alpha 38 I've uploaded contained some irritating
bugs, such as crashes in the station selection and the game hanging when
creating random maps. I've now fixed these and uploaded a corrected

If you got alpha 38 between the announcement and now, please download it
Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Boycott multistory buildings. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
2004-11-01 11:08:51 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Thanks for waiting for the next alpha, and I hope there are still people
playing TTD+Patch and that not everybody has converted to Locomotion :)
Have fun,
I have to admit, I like Locomotion more and more, BUT it will never topple
TTD+Patch from its #1 game of all time position (as far as I am concerned).
Thanks for all the work you (and all the others) have put into it.
