Post by AfoklalaPost by Richard RoocroftHope there's someone here who can help !
I've not played this game for ages (Win 98), & have recently bought a
laptop with XP Home.
How do I install it, as I'm a pc nerd, I'm afraid.
First of all, you need the Windows version of TTD. The DOS version will NOT
work, period. If you have the DOS version, try downloading the Win version,
e.g. To see which version
you have, check your installation folder. If it contains a file
gamegfx.exe, it's the Windows version.
Second, you need an extra program called TTDpatch, available at Download the Windows version! (called Unzip
that into your game folder, and run THAT program, NOT TTD itself.
Third, check out all the wonderful new features that ttdpatch offers.
Thanks to Jan & Tom for replying, and the links look great too. I've
been away on business, 7 today was the first chance to act on your
Well, I've downloaded the Windows Tranny Tycoon, downloaded the patch, &
still can't get it to work !
I get 'TTDPatch v2.0 rev 1(windows) starting......'
then 'not found TTDLOADW.OVL'
'GAMEGFX.EXE, no such file'.
Have made a folder called My TTDLX where I've unzipped to.
The files in this folder are :
a brown icon ttdpatchw, which is what I double clicked on
Where have I gone wrong ?
Hope it's not the graphics card, which is a SIS 650 on the main board.
TIA & regards.
Richard Roocroft