I found that one thing that is causing problems of lost trains is when the
time for auto up dating take place. They go to the nearest depot then get
stuck their. When in a station you see the train switching back and forth
and another train trying to get out on to the system. I found that if you
take the train that is trying to get out and reverse it and just before it
reverses again to leave the station. You stop it. If the train is small and
the station large. Then their is a few spaces between the two trains ( I
use a 1x7station and add more as needed, and train lengths of up to 8 car).
Then go to the train that is stuck at the signal and is trying to enter the
track with the train stopped. Press the Force the train to proceed without
waiting for the signal to clear icon. Just as soon as the train starts
forward press the stop train (if you are not fast enough C R A S H). Then
hit the reverse icon then the stop button. Train will reverse and go to the
next track in the station. As soon as the train clears the track with the
other stopped train. I hit the send to depot on the moving train (one that
was stuck). When it goes to the depot I change its orders to go to the last
place it vested. This seems to get every thing back in order again. I ran
into this when I was using a one depot at a industrial park ( A Factory
,Iron ore mine , Also drop off of Iron Ore from a never by mine , Farm, also
a drop off from a farm close by and a Forest). This was located on the top
of map and right corner. Track system went across the top to the left
corner. Then down the left side of the map and made a right turn at the
bottom left corner. Then went about 20 squares to a Power Plant, Steel Mill
, Factory and a saw mill complex. Also had a coal mine that was feeding
into the complex. The coal mine was on the bottom right. The track
junctions at the complex was the source for the lost trains. As the only
other depot was at the coal mine. So when it came time to up date the
trains from the top of map complex. Off they went to the coal mine. Up
dated and then could not get to where the trains order was for. So after I
got them in the depot, I ordered them to the Power Plant Complex and off
they went. At the power Plant Complex they switched orders to go back up to
the top on the map complex.
Out in the track grid had some trains get stuck for the same reason. Time
came up for Auto replace old trains. They then tried to get to the nearest
depot and got stuck. Had to remove a section of track in front of the eng
and build a side track for it until the junction cleared of all back upped
trains. Then reroute the siding train to correct place. Once had to build
a depot at the siding, update the train, send it on its way then remove the
siding and restore the track back to original. So I ended up putting more
depots along the routes and this helped reduce the lost trains problem.
Post by DJTBPost by RTIm running alpha 42 and some trains on a previous save game will not change
direction with this button no matter how hard I try. Even stopping and
changing directions wont work. Any Ideas?
AFAIK it has to do with path based signalling: if the train got lost, and
the train cannot reserve a path in a PBS-block, the change direction button
will not work.
I don't know if there's a solution other than demolishing (a part of) the
PBS block to force the train in a certain direction.