Locomotion: How to Delete Bus Stops?
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Ol' Duffer
2004-12-16 01:13:43 UTC
I'm experimenting with Locomotion and ran into a
problem I haven't been able to find a way around.
One of my cities has grown large enough that it
now could stand more than one bus stop, and I
would like to delete or move the one that presently
is in the middle and substitute two or three that
would be spread out a bit. But no can do. I can't
find anything that will delete a bus stop. Can't
bulldoze the street because it is owned by the
city. Anyone loan me a clue?

By the way, don't make the mistake of renaming a
station to "" (nothing). CRASH!
Matthew Clark
2004-12-19 01:33:35 UTC
Post by Ol' Duffer
I'm experimenting with Locomotion and ran into a
problem I haven't been able to find a way around.
One of my cities has grown large enough that it
now could stand more than one bus stop, and I
would like to delete or move the one that presently
is in the middle and substitute two or three that
would be spread out a bit. But no can do. I can't
find anything that will delete a bus stop. Can't
bulldoze the street because it is owned by the
city. Anyone loan me a clue?
By the way, don't make the mistake of renaming a
station to "" (nothing). CRASH!
Usenet Tip: In the future, search through a lot of the older messages to see
if the question was asked in the past. A good place to do this is at Google.

Anyway, I posted this response to a similar question back on 9/13:

"Enter bus stop build mode... Then search for that one pixel on the bus stop
that will let you demolish it (it'll indicate that you can remove the
station on the bottom). Then, you can right click and demolish it.

The same procedure can be used to remove train signals. It's a little
tricky, but once you do it once or twice, you'll figure it out!"
Ol' Duffer
2004-12-19 15:15:31 UTC
Post by Matthew Clark
"Enter bus stop build mode... Then search for that one pixel on the bus stop
that will let you demolish it (it'll indicate that you can remove the
station on the bottom). Then, you can right click and demolish it.
The same procedure can be used to remove train signals. It's a little
tricky, but once you do it once or twice, you'll figure it out!"
Thanks, I'm sure I'd have never found it, given that I can
barely tell where the bus stop is to start with in all the
clutter of the city. Maybe it will help if I turn off the
foreground to better tell where the cursor is on the ground.
