DB Set version 0.8 released
(too old to reply)
Josef Drexler
2004-12-19 00:21:02 UTC
[Posted on behalf of Michael Blunck]

In due time for Christmas the DB Set XL?s version 0.8 is out!

Besides from inplementing newest TTDPatch features, adding another couple
of new locomotives, coaches and freight wagons and a massive redesign of
most of the existing vehicles, version 0.8 makes available a novel price
and cost scheme, full AI support and a better user interface.

Firstly, v0.8 implements the new dimension of recent patch features:

- wagon speed limits
- cargo sub-categories
- service refittability
- transparent engine allocation
- articulated engines
- special AI support for vehicle usage
- new price scheme

With regards to vehicle prices, the DB set offers real historical prices
if used with the "hard" setting for building cost. Because the new prices
are very much higher than before and because some of the very early
rolling stock has been launched before the DB set?s start date in 1920,
you?ll get the chance to buy those ones for a reduced price, though.

Higher prices for engines, wagons, track building and infrastructure,
together with the features of "waggonspeedlimits" and "freighttrains"
will put a new touch to your games. Now, it?ll be very unusual to get to
use all engine models in a single game because engines are much more
differentiated with the new features: some are well suited for hilly
terrain, others are best at level ground, some are special for passenger
trains, others for hauling heavy cargo - and the higher prices require a
thorough investigation of transportation needs and route planning.

From now on, every game will be a different game.

Have fun

All changes in v0.8:

- redesign of all coaches and mail vans,
- redesign of VT-137, VT-08, VT-11 and BR612 DMUs,
- redesign of ET-11, ET-30 and BR420 EMUs,
- redesign of BR195,
- redesign of TransRapid, TR coaches and wagons,
- restructuring of coach allocation scheme,
- made all steam engines with tenders "articulated engines" (tenders will
be added automatically),
- made the BR194 and 195 "real" articulated engines too,
- made TransRapid wagons refittable, veh-IDs 5E/3E and 63/43 have been
- decreased life span for short coaches / mail vans to 30 years,
- introduced support for the AI to make better usage of engines and
coaches / wagons,
- introduced cargo text suffixes for wagons and coaches,
- introduced passenger-to-passenger refittability, thus allowing
different services for a single class of coaches,
- introduced means for preventing adding freight wagons to specific
engines, e.g. DMUs and EMUs,
- introduced a scheme for freight wagon speed limits,
- added the BR 75 (wü T5) tank engine in 1922,
- added the BR 85 tank engine in 1932,
- added the E 62 (bav. EP1) electric freight locomotive in 1920 in brown
livery of the K.Bay.Sts.B. (Royal Bavarian State Railways), later in DRG
gray and DB green livery,
- added the BR 515 (ETA 150) battery-powered railcar in 1954 in DB purple
red and in cream/blue livery,
- added the BR 614 DMU in 1972, in "pop" livery as well as in cream/blue,
mint and traffic red,
- added the BR 103 in "orient red" livery in 1987,
- added DRG "Hecht" coaches, mail/luggage vans and dining-cars,
- added DB "Aüm" and "Büm" coaches, mail/luggage vans and "Wrüm"
- added post-war "Rheingold" coaches incl. dining and dome-cars,
- added a second TEE dining-car and a dome-car,
- added IC dining-car for the period 1987 - 1996,
- added additional freight wagons for the new speed limits scheme,
- added realistic historical purchase prices,
- added error messages for missing patch flags,
- added signals for PBS (path-based signalling).
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2004-12-20 13:49:16 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
[Posted on behalf of Michael Blunck]
In due time for Christmas the DB Set XL?s version 0.8 is out!
Great work! Creating electrified railway services is now truly an investment.
Building the ET-87 required some fiddling with the cars marked MORE and STOP,
but I finally figured it out alright.

There is one problem though, because in temperate climate and with this
newgrf.cfg (all latest versions):


I get an error message that NavistarTrucksw cannot be loaded due to too many
sprites. The DB set XL readme advises to include dbsetw and tempsetw in its
examples. That worked fine, until I added the long road vehicle grfs. When I
exclude dbsetw, dbsetxlw gives a warning that it's deactivating tempsetw, but
when I activate tempsetw manually after the warning, they are both OK (green).

Because dbset(xl)w says it deactivates tempsetw, I excluded that one to
attempt to prevent any warnings and loading errors. That failed of course,
because tempsetw was never loaded in the first place. So I excluded dbsetw
too; that worked. But now I am worried that something from dbsetw will be
missing, although I couldn't prove that yet.
2004-12-20 14:38:01 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
[Posted on behalf of Michael Blunck]
In due time for Christmas the DB Set XL?s version 0.8 is out!
Great work! Creating electrified railway services is now truly an investment.
Building the ET-87 required some fiddling with the cars marked MORE and STOP,
but I finally figured it out alright.
There is one problem though, because in temperate climate and with this
I get an error message that NavistarTrucksw cannot be loaded due to too many
sprites. The DB set XL readme advises to include dbsetw and tempsetw in its
examples. That worked fine, until I added the long road vehicle grfs. When I
exclude dbsetw, dbsetxlw gives a warning that it's deactivating tempsetw, but
when I activate tempsetw manually after the warning, they are both OK (green).
Because dbset(xl)w says it deactivates tempsetw, I excluded that one to
attempt to prevent any warnings and loading errors. That failed of course,
because tempsetw was never loaded in the first place. So I excluded dbsetw
too; that worked. But now I am worried that something from dbsetw will be
missing, although I couldn't prove that yet.
You can disable the dbsetw safely, but rumours go that there atemtions
to get a higher sprite limit. So for now you can disable the dbsetw.grf
and if everything works you can re-enable it in the future

Michael Blunck
2004-12-20 17:49:08 UTC
Boudewijn Dijkstra wrote:

[sprite limit exceeded?]
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
There is one problem though, because in temperate climate and with
this newgrf.cfg [...]
I get an error message that NavistarTrucksw cannot be loaded due to
too many sprites.
Well, in temperate climate, not all of those .grfs are active:

- newgrf/arcticsetw.grf
- newgrf/tropicstw.grf
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
The DB set XL readme advises to include dbsetw
and tempsetw in its examples.
Nope. It does not. In fact the DB set XL disables dbset and tempset when active,

- newgrf/dbsetw.grf
- newgrf/tempsetw.grf

Elrails, signals, trkfound and newstats have only very few sprites active. In
addition all sprites from the cargoset except its truck sprites are overridden
by the DB set XL, resulting in even less active sprites.

In conclusion, from the top half of the list, only the Newships and the DB setXL
are fully active, first with some hundred sprites (I don´t know exactly the
number, it´s an old file) the second w. 4608 active sprites, roughly.

All in all, there´s a limit of 11,483 active sprites.
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
That worked fine, until I added the long road vehicle grfs.
Yeah. It´s a known fact that George´s .grfs are using sprites rather
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
[...] But now I am worried that something from dbsetw will be missing,
although I couldn't prove that yet.
No worry. If you´re using the XL version you can delete the dbsetw completely.
It´s the older version for use with the beta patch 2.0r1.

You wouldn´t need the cargoset either because the DB set XL has its own freight
cars so the cargoset will only be used for its trucks. OTOH, if you´re using
only the longvehicles´ trucks you could disable or delete the cargoset too.

Play around with the grf status window by enabling/disabling .grfs. It´ll tell
you how many sprites are active at the moment.

Boudewijn Dijkstra
2004-12-22 10:02:08 UTC
Post by Michael Blunck
[sprite limit exceeded?]
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
There is one problem though, because in temperate climate and with
this newgrf.cfg [...]
I get an error message that NavistarTrucksw cannot be loaded due to
too many sprites.
- newgrf/arcticsetw.grf
- newgrf/tropicstw.grf
Yes, they show up with a red square in the newgrf window.
Post by Michael Blunck
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
The DB set XL readme advises to include dbsetw
and tempsetw in its examples.
Nope. It does not.
quote from dbxl_readme.html:
"[...] itŽs best to have this order of .grf entries in "newgrf.cfg":


That looks to me like advice. Advice to include something.
Post by Michael Blunck
- newgrf/dbsetw.grf
- newgrf/tempsetw.grf
Tempsetw has a red square, but dbsetw doesn't. According to the newgrf
windows, it still has 1364 sprites active.
Post by Michael Blunck
Elrails, signals, trkfound and newstats have only very few sprites active.
In addition all sprites from the cargoset except its truck sprites are
overridden by the DB set XL, resulting in even less active sprites.
In conclusion, from the top half of the list, only the Newships and the DB
setXL are fully active, first with some hundred sprites (I donŽt know
exactly the number, itŽs an old file) the second w. 4608 active sprites,
All in all, thereŽs a limit of 11,483 active sprites.
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
That worked fine, until I added the long road vehicle grfs.
Yeah. ItŽs a known fact that GeorgeŽs .grfs are using sprites rather
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
[...] But now I am worried that something from dbsetw will be missing,
although I couldn't prove that yet.
No worry. If youŽre using the XL version you can delete the dbsetw
completely. ItŽs the older version for use with the beta patch 2.0r1.
Thanks for making that clear.
Post by Michael Blunck
You wouldnŽt need the cargoset either because the DB set XL has its own
freight cars so the cargoset will only be used for its trucks. OTOH, if
youŽre using only the longvehiclesŽ trucks you could disable or delete the
cargoset too.
Possible, but not desirable, because I like to play early games and the long
vehicles take a lot of time to enter the stage. BTW: strange that before
1900 there were lots of iron bridges in the real world, but in 1921 there are
only wooden bridges in TT world.
Post by Michael Blunck
Play around with the grf status window by enabling/disabling .grfs. ItŽll
tell you how many sprites are active at the moment.
Hmm, foolish me. I didn't even notice the sprite count until your message.
Michael Blunck
2004-12-25 17:59:04 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Michael Blunck
[sprite limit exceeded?]
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
That looks to me like advice. Advice to include something.
Well, no. If you´d take a look into the context of the example above, it should
be clear that it´s dealing with overwriting of .grfs and gives examples of
accompanying error and warning messages.

O/c you wouldn´t need dbset.grf and tempset.grf at all when using dbsetxl.grf,
but that wasn´t the topic of that example.
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Tempsetw has a red square, but dbsetw doesn't. According to the
newgrf windows, it still has 1364 sprites active.
Mmh. It should´ve been de-activated too. I´ll investigate.

Boudewijn Dijkstra
2004-12-22 11:27:06 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
[Posted on behalf of Michael Blunck]
In due time for Christmas the DB Set XL's version 0.8 is out!
Somewhere in 1938, the local traffic passenger coach became unavailable in
plain depots, but remained available in electrified depots. All the other
coaches and vans are still available in both depot types. I had been playing
from 1921, with enginespersist off. The electrified LTPC has been in use
since 1927, when I upgraded from steam engines with the 'classic' coaches to
ET-87's with local traffic cars. Then I went to VT-137's in 1933.

Now it becomes interesting: when upgrading to the VT-137, I kept the old mail
vans but I replaced the passenger coaches, for ergonomic reasons. My guess is
that the LTPC's were treated as engines in the ET-87 setup, so, as engines
should (with enginespersist off), they became unavailable shortly after I
stopped using them as engines. I think the LTMV is unaffected because the
ones that were used as powered wagons, are still in use.

I don't know whether the problem lies with the Patch or with the DB Set.
Michael Blunck
2004-12-25 18:01:31 UTC
Boudewijn Dijkstra wrote:

Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Somewhere in 1938, the local traffic passenger coach became
unavailable in plain depots, but remained available in electrified
Confirmed. Seems to be a bug in the patch.

