2.0.1 alpha 42
(too old to reply)
Josef Drexler
2004-12-18 22:47:04 UTC
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/

This one will be the last one this year, I'm going on vacation tomorrow.
So I hope it works rather well :)

It has mostly bugfixes, especially to custombridgeheads and
pathbasedsignalling. Also, wagonspeedlimits now takes a parameter that
sets how much faster empty wagons are allowed to go (20 km/h by default).

The full list of changes is below.

There have also been a number of graphics sets that were updated on the
TTDPatch New Graphics page, namely the TropicSet (now fully compatible
with the latest alpha versions too), the European road set, and the DB
Set XL (now version 0.8, an announcement with further details will follow
shortly), as well as an entirely new set of town buildings by Zimmlock.
Check them out!

Since this will likely be the last thing for me to post before the new
year, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy your
early christmas present :D


All changes in 2.0.1 alpha 42:
- by Mek: fixed problems with incorrect z offset of vehicles on
custom bridge heads
- by Mek: fixed manualconvert not working with tunnels and bridges
- fixed action 5 with different sprite count not resetting internal
- wagonspeedlimits switch now takes a parameter that sets how much
faster empty wagons are allowed to go (20 km/h by default)
- fixed bug with trains not entering depot properly
- by Csaba: fixed bug that could cause the game to hang if some
house graphics were not available
- disabled freighttrains setting for the AI
- fixed a bug with tunnels becoming unusable in PBS setups
- fixed a bug with signals on one track piece on a tile but not the
other causing unsafe pathfinding
- prevent trains from reversing in a PBS block if they can't reserve
a path
- fixed bug with X crossings on bridge heads not setting signals
- fixed bug with Cht: StopAll accidentally stopping aircraft in
flight too
- fixed bug with trains sometimes not waiting for free station
- fixed bug with depots occasionally not working in PBS blocks
- fixed bug with refit cycle on new vehicles not being reset
- fixed crash when LA forbids building a dock
- fixed crash when loading some savegames
- fixed problem with rotor override not getting reset correctly
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2004-12-20 13:52:04 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
My game consequently crashes when trying to open the information window for a
road vehicle.

TTD V0019E200 Crash Log by TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 42 (Windows)

Exception C0000005 at 001B:005444F5

00000600 00003437 FFFF0011 0000007B

00000F54 004F81CE 0007F9B6 00447A10

0023 0023 003B 0000 0023 00210246
FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000FFF ######## FFFFFFFF (Segment limits)
00CFF300 00CFF300 0040F300 ######## 00CFF300 (Access rights)

Bytes at DS:EIP
AC 0A C0 74 26 3C 0A 76 19 3C 0F 76 19 3C 1F 76

Stack Dump:
005444ED 005449D2 0062FBCF 00544044 004F8194 0011007B F55C005A 007B0053
97840011 ED1E004E 97840056 03CF004E 00310067 000F0060 80370023 EB3A0288
97840056 00C7004E 00600040 3D5F000F E16C0055 6A280056 006001CB AAEA0000
A1EE0056 A0910055 FF2C0055 5A180007 00100040 23840000 D0000009 00017FFD

Handler Stack Dump (at 0023:0007F764):
D8003FFF CC113114 402E9D8F 00000000 00000000 0000003B 00000023 00000023
004F81CE 00000F54 00003437 0000007B FFFF0011 00000600 00447A10 005444F5
0000001B 00210246 0007F9B6 00000023 0020027F 05100000 77C1FA29 0000001B
0007F600 00000023 00001F80 0000FFFF FFFFFE5C FFFFFD1A 0000FFFF 00000000

Patch flags:
FFBEEFFF FFFFFFFF FFFBFFFC 000001CE 00000000 00000000 0001803C A0000000
00000000 00001000 00003E80 009607CC 01900096 016D003C 76260500 13B14EC4
03000400 05140258 0A28370A 19281388 5014140A 14501E14 1E14141E 5A3F3C1E
0214003C F0F0FFFF FA01F0F0 1446FF00 01015A01 03500804 0F020100 0A020A23
14050501 00140A00


abandonedroads 0
aiboost 0
autorenew -6
bribe on
bridgespeedlimits 90
buildoncoasts on
buildonslopes on
buildwhilepaused on
cheatscost on
curves 3333
debtmax on
disasters.zeppelincrash on
disasters.smallufo on
disasters.refineryexplosion on
disasters.factoryexplosion on
disasters.largeufo on
disasters.smallsubmarine on
disasters.largesubmarine on
disasters.coalminesubsidence on
diskmenu on
electrifiedrailway on
enginespersist off
enhancegui on
errorpopuptime 4
eternalgame on
experimentalfeatures off
extpresignals on
extradynamite on
fastwagonsell on
feederservice off
forceautorenew on
forcerebuildovl off
fullloadany on
generalfixes on
gotodepot on
gradualloading on
keepsmallairport off
largertowns 8
largestations on
loadtime on
longbridges on
lostaircraft 60
lostrvs 150
lostships 400
losttrains 150
lowmemory off
mammothtrains on
manualconvert on
maprefresh 2
miscmods.nobuildonbanks off
miscmods.servintonlyhuman off
miscmods.noroadtakeover off
miscmods.gradualloadbywagon off
miscmods.dontfixlitres off
miscmods.dontfixtropicbanks off
miscmods.dontfixhousesprites off
miscmods.oldtownterrmodlimit off
miscmods.nozeppelinonlargeap off
miscmods.nodefaultoldtracktype off
miscmods.usevehnnumbernotname off
miscmods.norescalecompanygraph off
miscmods.noyearlyfinances off
miscmods.notimegiveaway off
miscmods.nodesynchwarning off
miscmods.noworldedgeflooding off
miscmods.doshowintro off
miscmods.nonewspritesorter off
miscmods.noautomaticpbsblocks off
moreairports on
morebuildoptions.ctunnel on
morebuildoptions.oilrefinery on
morebuildoptions.moreindustries on
morebuildoptions.removeobjects on
morebuildoptions.removeindustry off
morebuildoptions.closeindustries off
morecurrencies 0
morehotkeys on
moreindustriesperclimate on
morenews on
moresteam 23
moretownstats on
morevehicles 2
mountains 3333
moveerrorpopup on
multihead 0
networktimeout 10
newagerating on
newperformance on
newplanes on
newrvcrash 1
newrvs on
newships on
newspapercolour 1996
newstations on
newtrains on
noinflation on
nonstop on
officefood on
planecrashcontrol.normdis on
planecrashcontrol.jetsdis off
planecrashcontrol.normbrdown off
planecrashcontrol.jetssamerate off
planecrashcontrol.normoff off
planecrashcontrol.jetsoff off
planes 240
planespeed on
plantmanytrees.morethanonepersquare on
plantmanytrees.rectangular on
plantmanytrees.morethanonerectangular off
presignals on
roadvehs 240
rvqueueing on
saveoptionaldata on
selectgoods 365
semaphores on
servint off
sharedorders on
ships 240
showfulldate on
showprofitinlist on
showspeed on
signal1waittime 70
signal2waittime 20
signalsontrafficside on
signcheats on
sortvehlist 10
spread 20
stableindustry off
startyear 1921
subsidiaries on
tgractstationexist 5
tgractstations 10
tgractstationsweight 55
tgrfizzydrinksinoptim 30
tgrfizzydrinksinweight 30
tgrfoodinmin 80
tgrfoodinoptim 20
tgrfoodinweight 30
tgrgoodsinoptim 20
tgrgoodsinweight 20
tgrmailinoptim 25
tgrmailinweight 10
tgrmailoutweight 10
tgrpassinmax 5000
tgrpassinweight 40
tgrpassoutweight 40
tgrsweetsinoptim 20
tgrsweetsinweight 20
tgrtownsizebase 60
tgrtownsizefactor 63
tgrwaterinmin 80
tgrwaterinoptim 20
tgrwaterinweight 30
towngrowthlimit 80
towngrowthratemax 600
towngrowthratemin 20
towngrowthratemode 2
townminpopulationdesert 60
townminpopulationsnow 90
toylandfeatures.lighthouses on
toylandfeatures.woodlands off
tracktypecostdiff on
trainrefit on
trains 240
unifiedmaglev 1
verbose on
win2k on
canals on

aibuildairchance 5041
aibuildrailchance 30246
aibuildrvchance 20164
aichoosechances off
custombridgeheads on
enhanceddifficultysettings off
freighttrains off
gamespeed on
higherbridges on
moreanimation off
morewindows on
mousewheel off
newbridges on
newcargodistribution on
newhouses on
newshistory on
newtownnames off
pathbasedsignalling off
resolutionheight 768
resolutionwidth 1024
stretchwindow off
townbuildnoroads off
wagonspeedlimits off
windowsnap off
2004-12-21 08:46:10 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
My game consequently crashes when trying to open the information window for a
road vehicle.
Same here.
Jan Willem from Odijk, Netherlands
jw dot van dot dormolen at hccnet dot nl

New to this newsgroup? Please read the Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) at <http://www.tt-forums.net/faq/>. Thanks.
I hate it when people tell me I cannot take criticism.
Josef Drexler
2005-01-07 14:50:08 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
My game consequently crashes when trying to open the information window for a
road vehicle.
Try this: http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q60
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2005-01-07 15:46:11 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
My game consequently crashes when trying to open the information window
for a road vehicle.
Try this: http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q60
I deleted ttdpttxt.txt and ran mkpttxt.exe. My game now no longer
(consequently) crashes with that. The old ttdpttxt.txt was over a year
old(!), but I got no complaints from ttdpatchw.exe.
Josef Drexler
2005-01-07 16:10:16 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
My game consequently crashes when trying to open the information window
for a road vehicle.
Try this: http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q60
I deleted ttdpttxt.txt and ran mkpttxt.exe. My game now no longer
(consequently) crashes with that. The old ttdpttxt.txt was over a year
old(!), but I got no complaints from ttdpatchw.exe.
Hmm, what version of the patch were you using before that? You should've
got at least the message that your ttdpttxt.dat is for the wrong version.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2005-01-07 22:17:11 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
My game consequently crashes when trying to open the information window
for a road vehicle.
Try this: http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q60
I deleted ttdpttxt.txt and ran mkpttxt.exe. My game now no longer
(consequently) crashes with that. The old ttdpttxt.txt was over a year
old(!), but I got no complaints from ttdpatchw.exe.
Hmm, what version of the patch were you using before that? You should've
got at least the message that your ttdpttxt.dat is for the wrong version.
That was alpha 18. I got that message, ran mkpttxt, message gone.
2005-01-08 18:57:06 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
My game consequently crashes when trying to open the information window
for a road vehicle.
Try this: http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q60
I deleted ttdpttxt.txt and ran mkpttxt.exe. My game now no longer
(consequently) crashes with that. The old ttdpttxt.txt was over a year
old(!), but I got no complaints from ttdpatchw.exe.
Hmm, what version of the patch were you using before that? You should've
got at least the message that your ttdpttxt.dat is for the wrong version.
That was alpha 18. I got that message, ran mkpttxt, message gone.
I rerun mkpttxt with EVERY update of the patch, yet I had the same problem.
It's gone now.
Jan Willem from Odijk, Netherlands
jw dot van dot dormolen at hccnet dot nl

New to this newsgroup? Please read the Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) at <http://www.tt-forums.net/faq/>. Thanks.
I hate it when people tell me I cannot take criticism.
Josef Drexler
2005-01-08 19:26:02 UTC
Post by Afoklala
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Try this: http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q60
I deleted ttdpttxt.txt and ran mkpttxt.exe. My game now no longer
(consequently) crashes with that. The old ttdpttxt.txt was over a year
old(!), but I got no complaints from ttdpatchw.exe.
Hmm, what version of the patch were you using before that? You should've
got at least the message that your ttdpttxt.dat is for the wrong version.
That was alpha 18. I got that message, ran mkpttxt, message gone.
I rerun mkpttxt with EVERY update of the patch, yet I had the same problem.
It's gone now.
Yes, of course. That problem doesn't fix itself other than by following
the instructions in the FAQ.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Boycott multistory buildings. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2005-01-09 16:13:09 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Afoklala
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
Post by Josef Drexler
Try this: http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q60
I deleted ttdpttxt.txt and ran mkpttxt.exe. My game now no longer
(consequently) crashes with that. The old ttdpttxt.txt was over a
year old(!), but I got no complaints from ttdpatchw.exe.
Hmm, what version of the patch were you using before that? You
should've got at least the message that your ttdpttxt.dat is for the
wrong version.
That was alpha 18. I got that message, ran mkpttxt, message gone.
I rerun mkpttxt with EVERY update of the patch, yet I had the same
problem. It's gone now.
Yes, of course. That problem doesn't fix itself other than by following
the instructions in the FAQ.
What concerns me isn't the solution, but the cause of the problem. Do did we
do something wrong? If so, what did we do wrong?
Josef Drexler
2005-01-09 19:40:06 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
What concerns me isn't the solution, but the cause of the problem. Do did we
do something wrong? If so, what did we do wrong?
Well, like the FAQ I linked to explains, the format of that line changed
(in 2.0 beta 3). So if you added that line before 2.0 beta 3, and didn't
fix it since then, it would crash.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Avoid showers. Take a bath. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2005-01-10 20:14:35 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
What concerns me isn't the solution, but the cause of the problem. Do did
we do something wrong? If so, what did we do wrong?
Well, like the FAQ I linked to explains, the format of that line changed
(in 2.0 beta 3). So if you added that line before 2.0 beta 3, and didn't
fix it since then, it would crash.
I didn't edit the file. I guess *that* was the something I did wrong. When I
got 2.0 beta 3, I should have browsed through *all* the old changelogs since
1.9 beta something, trying to find a change in a format in one of the files.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2005-01-13 20:39:02 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
What concerns me isn't the solution, but the cause of the problem. Do
did we do something wrong? If so, what did we do wrong?
Well, like the FAQ I linked to explains, the format of that line changed
(in 2.0 beta 3). So if you added that line before 2.0 beta 3, and didn't
fix it since then, it would crash.
I didn't edit the file. I guess *that* was the something I did wrong. When
I got 2.0 beta 3, I should have browsed through *all* the old changelogs
since 1.9 beta something, trying to find a change in a format in
one of the files.
OK, I was being sarcastic. But that doesn't mean that this way of system
change is very user-friendly. Even if it is mentioned in the FAQ (which I
underestimated, I must admit). Anyway, let's hope it was just this once.
Josef Drexler
2005-01-13 22:01:02 UTC
Post by Boudewijn Dijkstra
OK, I was being sarcastic. But that doesn't mean that this way of system
change is very user-friendly. Even if it is mentioned in the FAQ (which I
underestimated, I must admit). Anyway, let's hope it was just this once.
Well, I've learned my lesson. It hasn't happened since then... I should've
just renamed that entry at the time, but now it's a bit late anyway.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Don't do push ups | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Boudewijn Dijkstra
2005-01-07 16:04:13 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all, another quick update at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
Another thing: the local authority refuses to allow me to remove connected
road that is directly adjacent to a (train) station when using the bulldoze
tool. Dead ends are no problem. Road that is farther away behaves normally.
Dynamite works fine with any piece of road.

And another: my tubular bridge maximum speed is displayed as -46,151kmh-1 for
monorail tracks.
Continue reading on narkive: