More doubts about 2.5 beta 5 (Win)
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Carlos Correia
2006-06-10 01:43:12 UTC
It is usually best to leave this switch set to a value as small as
possible. Don't set it to 40 right away! Only increase the factor
when you actually run out of vehicles. The reason for this is that
this switch is not easily reversible, as opposed to all the other
switches, and it will also slow down the game significantly if you
use factors larger than 10.
... does the "Larger Station Spread" with values larger then 20 like 255
affects the game like the vehicles number (slower game)? I've read this
one on OTTD and i'm not sure if this affects the Patch (i've tried 255 and
didn't notice any "slowiness", rather then the 40 value of the vehicles

Carlos C.
Josef Drexler
2006-06-10 04:02:03 UTC
Post by Carlos Correia
It is usually best to leave this switch set to a value as small as
possible. Don't set it to 40 right away! Only increase the factor
when you actually run out of vehicles. The reason for this is that
this switch is not easily reversible, as opposed to all the other
switches, and it will also slow down the game significantly if you
use factors larger than 10.
... does the "Larger Station Spread" with values larger then 20 like 255
affects the game like the vehicles number (slower game)? I've read this
one on OTTD and i'm not sure if this affects the Patch (i've tried 255 and
didn't notice any "slowiness", rather then the 40 value of the vehicles
No it doesn't. I don't know why it would affect OTTD, because it's only a
very brief check whenever you're placing a new station facility.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
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Carlos Correia
2006-06-10 21:17:44 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
No it doesn't. I don't know why it would affect OTTD, because it's only a
very brief check whenever you're placing a new station facility.
I was pretty sure it didn't, well, back to the old 255 value.

Thanks Josef.

Carlos C.
