Unload Order?
(too old to reply)
2005-10-12 18:56:34 UTC
Hi everyone,

I've been out of the loop for a while and I've just come back and discovered
all these new wonders - one way roads, NewStations 0.4 etc. However, I was
playing a61 this afternoon on the Metromegalopolis scenario and I needed to
have a train with an 'unload' order. It went from one Iron Ore mine, loaded,
went to another one and unloaded. The idea was that the bigger train
waiting there would pick up the unloaded Ore and go off to the Steel Mill.
But... when the first train unloads in the station, the big train loads with
Iron Ore, then empties and gets less money than it should for it! Then it
slowly loads normally until the first train comes again, and fills it up!
This is annoying because it means the big train never leaves the station so
I'm not producing any Steel. Is this a bug in the Patch, or am I just doing
something wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I can email anyone my savegame and ttdpatch.cfg if they want
Stevie D
2005-10-12 20:57:10 UTC
Post by Jonty
I've been out of the loop for a while and I've just come back and discovered
all these new wonders - one way roads, NewStations 0.4 etc. However, I was
playing a61 this afternoon on the Metromegalopolis scenario and I needed to
have a train with an 'unload' order. It went from one Iron Ore mine, loaded,
went to another one and unloaded. The idea was that the bigger train
waiting there would pick up the unloaded Ore and go off to the Steel Mill.
But... when the first train unloads in the station, the big train loads with
Iron Ore, then empties and gets less money than it should for it! Then it
slowly loads normally until the first train comes again, and fills it up!
This is annoying because it means the big train never leaves the station so
I'm not producing any Steel. Is this a bug in the Patch, or am I just doing
something wrong?
I'm having difficulty visualising what you mean here.

What I can see is...

Small Iron Ore Mine Big Iron Ore Mine Steel Mill

With one train taking iron from the small mine to the big mine, and
then a big train taking all the iron to the steel mill.

In which case, you need to have:
Small train orders:
1. Small Iron Ore Mine (Full load)
2. Big Iron Ore Mine (Unload)

And big train orders:
1. Big Iron Ore Mine (Full load)
2. Steel Mill.

Does that help?
Stevie D
\\\\\ ///// Bringing dating agencies to the
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2005-10-13 19:36:25 UTC
Thanks for the reply, I know what you mean, I thought it seemed a bit
baffling! The thing is, I have the same orders as those you wrote and
that's why I can't understand what's going on. If I put the big train in
the Depot and just let the small one come and unload the Station window
should say '<amount> tons of Iron Ore (en-route from <station name>
Station)' but it doesn't, it just says the usual '<amount> tons of Iron
Ore'. Another thing I noticed is that when the big train loads with the
Iron Ore en-route from the first station which, for instance, is called
Gruntown South (I can't remember it's real name!) it actually says on the
carriages window that the first few carriages are filled with Iron Ore that
is actually from that station, and the rest fill up with Iron Ore from
Gruntown South, which is when it gets rid of it all and makes money from
nowhere! It doesn't accept Iron Ore at that station so I don't know where
it's going. This is seeming more and more like a bug to me!



P.S. sorry if I'm confusing everyone again!
Post by Stevie D
Post by Jonty
I've been out of the loop for a while and I've just come back and discovered
all these new wonders - one way roads, NewStations 0.4 etc. However, I was
playing a61 this afternoon on the Metromegalopolis scenario and I needed to
have a train with an 'unload' order. It went from one Iron Ore mine, loaded,
went to another one and unloaded. The idea was that the bigger train
waiting there would pick up the unloaded Ore and go off to the Steel Mill.
But... when the first train unloads in the station, the big train loads with
Iron Ore, then empties and gets less money than it should for it! Then it
slowly loads normally until the first train comes again, and fills it up!
This is annoying because it means the big train never leaves the station so
I'm not producing any Steel. Is this a bug in the Patch, or am I just doing
something wrong?
I'm having difficulty visualising what you mean here.
What I can see is...
Small Iron Ore Mine Big Iron Ore Mine Steel Mill
With one train taking iron from the small mine to the big mine, and
then a big train taking all the iron to the steel mill.
1. Small Iron Ore Mine (Full load)
2. Big Iron Ore Mine (Unload)
1. Big Iron Ore Mine (Full load)
2. Steel Mill.
Does that help?
Stevie D
\\\\\ ///// Bringing dating agencies to the
\\\\\\\__X__/////// common hedgehog since 2001 - "HedgeHugs"
___\\\\\\\'/ \'///////_____________________________________________
2005-10-14 17:51:03 UTC
Looks like Csaba has fixed it in a63:

* fixed bug in load/unload code that made trains deliver cargo to stations
which didn't accept it

I haven't downloaded the update yet but this looks like the one.


Josef Drexler
2005-10-14 18:15:05 UTC
Post by Jonty
* fixed bug in load/unload code that made trains deliver cargo to stations
which didn't accept it
I haven't downloaded the update yet but this looks like the one.
Maybe you should try it first...

Csaba told that this probably wasn't what he fixed.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Play Chess, not Basketball. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
2005-10-15 09:10:21 UTC
Josef Drexler wrote...
Post by Josef Drexler
Maybe you should try it first...
Csaba told that this probably wasn't what he fixed.
I've played the updated game and I haven't seen it do it again... yet. It
only happens if the small train makes the big train fully load when it
unloads its cargo. I'll keep watching and post here again if I see it.

Donald J Braun
2005-10-16 05:30:37 UTC
I unloaded train of 14 cars of coal at a station with a 45 car coal train
waiting to load. Running ten trains into the station all unloading and then
two 45 car trains loading and traveling clear across the map. Also there
is a coal mine feeding the station at the same time. All unload and load
AOK no problems. Note I use 2.0.1 aphia 61,62,63, and have not had your
I use the window version of TTD and it patches.

Post by Jonty
Josef Drexler wrote...
Post by Josef Drexler
Maybe you should try it first...
Csaba told that this probably wasn't what he fixed.
I've played the updated game and I haven't seen it do it again... yet. It
only happens if the small train makes the big train fully load when it
unloads its cargo. I'll keep watching and post here again if I see it.