How to improve features - ttdpatch.cfg (Part II)
(too old to reply)
Carlos Correia
2005-10-25 16:58:55 UTC
And this is my ttdpatch.cfg. i also liked to know if i can alter anything to
improve my games features: (sorry about the size of the post):

<-- START -->

// `abandonedroads' (-YA) makes roads lose their owner if they aren't used
for a period of time, so you can remove unused roads if they're in the way.
You also get the ownership of unowned roads if your vehicles use them. In
mode 0, all roads lose their owners, in mode 1, roads near towns are taken
over by the towns if their aren't used for a while, in mode 2 they're taken
over instantly.
abandonedroads 0

// `aiboost' (-A) increases the AI recursion by this amount.
aiboost 0

// `aibuildairchance' (no command line switch) the chance that the ai will
build a air-route when it wants to build a new route. Range 0..65535, 0=0%,
65535=100%. Default 5041.
aibuildairchance 5041

// `aibuildrailchance' (no command line switch) the chance that the ai will
build a rail-route when it wants to build a new route. Range 0..65535, 0=0%,
65535=100%. Default 30246.
aibuildrailchance 30246

// `aibuildrvchance' (no command line switch) the chance that the ai will
build a rv-route when it wants to build a new route. Range 0..65535, 0=0%,
65535=100%. Default 20164.
aibuildrvchance 20164

// `aichoosechances' (no command line switch) specify which chances to use
when the ai decides what to build next (chance of building a ship route is
aichoosechances off

// `autorenew' (-Xa) renews engines when serviced this number of months
after they get very old. Range -128..127. Default -6.
autorenew -6

// `bribe' (-Xb) adds a `bribe' option to the local authority menu.
bribe on

// `bridgespeedlimits' (-XX) increases the speed limits on tubular monorail
and maglev bridges to this percentage of the highest maximum engine speed in
the class. Range 25..250. Default 90.
bridgespeedlimits 250

// `buildoncoasts' (-YC) makes it possible to build on coasts or riverbanks
without having to use the dynamite tool first.
buildoncoasts on

// `buildonslopes' (-Yb) makes it possible to build tracks, roads and
stations on sloped land, on a foundation like houses.
buildonslopes on

// `buildwhilepaused' (-XB) enables all construction options even when the
game is paused.
buildwhilepaused on

// `canals' (-Xl) allows building canals and locks using the `buy land' tool
from the dock construction menu.
canals on

// `cdpath' (no command line switch) sets the CD path.
cdpath f:\

// `cheatscost' (-Xo) makes sign cheats cost money when used.
cheatscost off

// `curves' (-c) sets curve speeds to normal (0), faster (1), fastest (2) or
realistic (3). One digit for each of railroad, monorail, maglev and road
vehicles. Default 0120.
curves 3323

// `custombridgeheads' (-H) custom bridge heads.
custombridgeheads on

// `debtmax' (-L) enables borrowing/repaying the maximum amount by holding
down the 'Ctrl' key.
debtmax on

// `disasters' (-XD) allows you to choose which disasters may occur.
Bitcoded value, default 255 (all disasters).
disasters.zeppelincrash on // Allow zeppelin crash
disasters.smallufo on // Allow small UFO
disasters.refineryexplosion on // Allow refinery explosion
disasters.factoryexplosion on // Allow factory explosion
disasters.largeufo on // Allow large UFO
disasters.smallsubmarine on // Allow small submarine
disasters.largesubmarine on // Allow large submarine
disasters.coalminesubsidence on // Allow coal mine subsidence

// `diskmenu' (-Xm) adds a load option to the disk menu, and a load game (or
save game with 'Ctrl') to the scenario editor.
diskmenu on

// `electrifiedrailway' (-XE) removes one of the magnetic track systems
(Monorail or MagLev) and replaces it with an electrified railroad system.
electrifiedrailway on

// `enginespersist' (-P) keeps engines around for as long as they are in
enginespersist on

// 'enhanceddifficultysettings' (-YD) makes it possible to select 'none' for
the number of industries in the difficulty settings.
enhanceddifficultysettings on

// `enhancegui' (-YG) enhances the user interface. Change the settings from
the entry in TTD's toolbox menu.
enhancegui on

// `enhancemultiplayer' (-u) enhances multiplayer games by allowing more
human players.
enhancemultiplayer off

// `errorpopuptime' (-YE) changes the time after which red error popup
windows automatically close. Range 1..255 (in seconds), or 0 for a very
long time. Default 10.
errorpopuptime 1

// `eternalgame' (-Xe) allows you to keep playing forever, the date isn't
reset after 2070.
eternalgame on

// `experimentalfeatures' (-XF) enables the latest experimental features.
experimentalfeatures.slowcrossing off // trains slow down before crossings
experimentalfeatures.cooperative on // cooperative play, very limited

// `extpresignals' (-Xw) allows to cycle between normal, pre-signals, exits
and combined signals with 'Ctrl'.
extpresignals on

// `extradynamite' (-D) allows more things to be removed with dynamite.
extradynamite on

// `fastwagonsell' (-Yw) allows faster selling of trains with the 'Ctrl'
fastwagonsell on

// `feederservice' (-Xf) modifies forced unload and profit on a station
accepting that cargo to leave the cargo at the station, not cash in.
feederservice off

// `fifoloading' (-YF) enable FIFO loading.
fifoloading off

// `forceautorenew' (-XA) forces servicing of vehicles when it is time for
the auto-renewal (see `autorenew').
forceautorenew on

// `forcerebuildovl' (-Xr) makes TTDPatch rebuild TTDLOAD.OVL or
TTDLOADW.OVL every time it is started.
forcerebuildovl on

// `freighttrains' (-Yf) multiplies the cargo carried by cargo trains with
the given factor, to simulate very long freight trains. This only affects
train acceleration, the trains do not actually transport more. Range
1..100. Default 5.
freighttrains 5

// `fullloadany' (-F) makes a train leave a station if any type of cargo is
fullloadany off

// `gamespeed' (-Yg) Makes the gamespeed changeable. This requires the
hotkeys patch. Press 'q' to speed up the game by a factor 2 (to a max of 8x
speed) and 'w' to slow it down. Parameter is the initial setting.
Range -3..3. Default 0.
gamespeed 0

// `generalfixes' (-g) fixes various little things, see the docs for more
info on what exactly it does.
generalfixes on

// `gotodepot' (-Xd) allows you to add depots to vehicles' orders.
gotodepot on

// `gradualloading' (-Xg) changes the way vehicles are loaded to a more
realistic gradual loading (also activates `loadtime').
gradualloading on

// `higherbridges' (-Yh) allows building of higher bridges.
higherbridges on

// `irregularstations' (no command line switch) allows to build station in
irregular forms.
irregularstations on

// `keepsmallairport' (-k) keeps small airports around forever.
keepsmallairport on

// `largertowns' (-XT) makes each one out of a given number of towns grow
faster and larger (also applying `towngrowthlimit' selectively). Range
1..70. Default 4 (one out of four towns).
largertowns 1

// `largestations' (-l) allows to add more platforms or make a station
longer, up to 15x15.
largestations on

// `loadtime' (-q) enables a different calculation for load/unload times.
loadtime off

// `locomotiongui' (-U) enable the new locomotion style gui.
locomotiongui.usenewgui on // Enable the new gui
locomotiongui.defaultnewgui off // Use the new gui by default (with this
disabled the new gui can be reached with ctrl, when enabled with ctrl the
old gui will be used)
locomotiongui.defaultstation off // Make the station build button open the
locomotion gui station tab.

// `longbridges' (-B) allows bridges of up to 127 squares length.
longbridges on

// `lostaircraft' (no command line switch) gives a warning about lost
aircraft after the given number of days. Range 5..1000. Default 90.
lostaircraft 60

// `lostrvs' (no command line switch) gives a warning about lost road
vehicles after the given number of days. Range 5..1000. Default 150.
lostrvs 60

// `lostships' (no command line switch) gives a warning about lost ships
after the given number of days. Range 5..1000. Default 400.
lostships 90

// `losttrains' (no command line switch) gives a warning about lost trains
after the given number of days. Range 5..1000. Default 150.
losttrains 60

// `lowmemory' (-Z) allows TTDPatch to run with approx. 3.5MB of memory, but
makes it impossible to load games saved with a larger `morevehicles'
lowmemory off

// `mammothtrains' (-z) allows mammoth trains with up to 126 cars.
mammothtrains on

// `manualconvert' (-Ym) allows manual track type conversion by placing new
tracks over existing tracks.
manualconvert on

// `maprefresh' (-YR) overrides the frequency TTD updates the map window.
Lower numbers mean faster refresh and more CPU usage. TTD's default is 64.
Range 1..255. Default 1.
maprefresh 1

// `miscmods' (-Yo) makes it posible to modify the working of some other
switches, see the docs on more info. Bitcoded value, default 0 (no
miscmods.nobuildonbanks off // towns don't build on waterbanks
miscmods.servintonlyhuman off // servint setting doesn't apply to AI
miscmods.noroadtakeover on // towns don't claim all roads in the scenario
miscmods.gradualloadbywagon on // gradual loading loads wagon by wagon
miscmods.dontfixlitres off // don't change litres so that 1000 l is a ton
instead of 100 l
miscmods.dontfixtropicbanks off // don't fix bank types in the
sub-tropical climate
miscmods.dontfixhousesprites off // don't fix offices being displayed as
miscmods.oldtownterrmodlimit off // don't change the upper cost of terrain
modification for towns
miscmods.nozeppelinonlargeap off // prevent Zeppelins from crashing at
large airports
miscmods.nodefaultoldtracktype off // don't use previous track type as new
miscmods.usevehnnumbernotname off // don't change news messages to use
vehicle names
miscmods.norescalecompanygraph off // don't rescale company graph when
companies are deselected
miscmods.noyearlyfinances on // don't display yearly finances on Jan 1st
miscmods.notimegiveaway off // don't try to give time slices away to
conserve power
miscmods.nodesynchwarning off // don't warn about multiplayer games being
miscmods.noworldedgeflooding off // don't let the edge of the map flood
miscmods.doshowintro off // don't skip the game intro
miscmods.nonewspritesorter off // don't use new sprite sorting algorithm
miscmods.noenhancedcomp off // don't enhance savegame compression
miscmods.breakdownatsignal off // don't fix trains breaking down while
waiting on red signals
miscmods.smallspritelimit off // don't increase the sprite limit
miscmods.displaytownsize off // display town size in the name
miscmods.noextendstationrange off // don't increase the maximum allowed
distance between station sign and industry for cargo to be delivered
miscmods.nooldvehiclenews off // don't generate news messages when
vehicles get old
miscmods.dontfixpaymentgraph off // don't fix the X axis of the cargo
payment rate window
miscmods.loaduntilgreen off // keep loading at station until exit signal
is green

// `moreairports' (-J) allows building more airports than the normal two per
moreairports on

// `moreanimation' (no command line switch) allows increasing the number of
tiles that can be animated. TTD's default is 256. Range 256..65535. Default
moreanimation 4096

// `morebuildoptions' (-YB) enables more build options. Bitcoded value.
morebuildoptions.ctunnel on // allow crossing tunnels
morebuildoptions.oilrefinery on // allow oil refinery everywhere
morebuildoptions.moreindustries on // allow more than one industry of the
same type
morebuildoptions.removeobjects on // allow removing statues, lighthouses
and transmitters
morebuildoptions.removeindustry on // allow removing industries
morebuildoptions.closeindustries on // allow same industries to be very
close to each other
morebuildoptions.enhancedbuoys on // allow buoys that work like normal
morebuildoptions.bulldozesignals on // automatically bulldoze signals on

// `morecurrencies' (-XC) enables more currencies and the Euro. Parameter:
0 - curr. symbols at default place; 1 - curr. symbols before numbers; 2 -
curr. symbols after numbers. Add 4 to the above value to disable the Euro.
morecurrencies 0

// `morehotkeys' (-YH) enables new hotkeys.
morehotkeys on

// `moreindustriesperclimate' (-YI) enables more industries in climates,
currently only paperindustries for temperate.
moreindustriesperclimate off

// `morenews' (-N) generates messages/news reports on more events, see the
docs for more information.
morenews on

// `morestatistics' (no command line switch) enables collection of more
statistics (only works if enhancegui is also enabled).
morestatistics on

// `moresteam' (-YM) shows more (or fewer) steam plumes. Parameter has two
digits, first for length of steam plume, second for frequency, with 2 being
TTD's default. Adding/subtracting one doubles/halves the length or
frequency. Range 00..55. Default 23.
moresteam 23

// With `moretownstats' (-Yt) additional statistics are displayed in town
information windows.
moretownstats on

// `morevehicles' (-x) increases the total number of vehicles to value*850.
Range 1..40. Default 1.
morevehicles 2

// `morewindows' (-YW) allows more windows to be open on the screen. TTD's
default is 10, but 3 slots are always occupied (main toolbar, main view,
status bar), so the actual maximum count is 7. Drop-down menus and news
messages count as windows as well. Range 11..255. Default 20.
morewindows 20

// `mountains' (-m) sets mountain speeds to normal (0), faster (1), fastest
(2) or realistic (3). One digit for each of railroad, monorail, maglev and
road vehicles. Default 0120.
mountains 3323

// `mousewheel' (-Yl) enables using the mouse wheel in the Windows version.
0 means original zooming with wheel (center stays), 1 means OpenTTD-style
zooming (point under mouse cursor stays if possible). Add 2 to enable 'safe'
zooming (two rollings trigger zoom). Add 4 for legacy wheel support (needed
for some drivers and Win95). Range 0..2147483647. Default 5.
mousewheel.cursorzoom on // Zoom at cursor location instead of screen
mousewheel.safezoom off // Zoom only after rolling wheel two notches
mousewheel.legacy off // Enable support for older (legacy) operating
systems and drivers (not normally needed)

// `moveerrorpopup' (-E) moves all red error popups to the top-right corner
of the screen.
moveerrorpopup on

// `multihead' (-M) allows an arbitrary number of engines on a train. Buy
extra engines with 'Ctrl'. Parameter is max. speed-up by additional
engines, in percent from 0 to 100, default 35%.
multihead 0

// `networktimeout' (no command line switch) disconnects a network game if
there is no response for the given number of seconds. Range 2..240.
Default 10.
networktimeout 10

// `newagerating' (-Ya) makes station ratings more tolerant to vehicle ages.
Now wagons can be up to 21 instead of 3 years old.
newagerating on

// `newbridges' (-Yd) enables new graphics for bridges.
newbridges on

// `newcargos' (no command line switch) enables support for new cargo types.
newcargos on

// `newcargodistribution' (no command line switch) enhanced cargo
newcargodistribution on

// `newhouses' (-Xh) activates new town building types with new graphics.
newhouses on

// `newindustries' (no command line switch) enables support for new industry
newindustries on

// `newperformance' (-Xp) applies a more reasonable performance calculation
regarding vehicle profits.
newperformance on

// `newplanes' (-XP) activates new aircract models with new graphics.
newplanes on

// `newrvcrash' (-Yr) changes train/road vehicle crashes. 1 makes the train
break down after the crash; 2 disables train/road vehicle crashes at all.
Default 1.
newrvcrash 1

// `newrvs' (-XR) activates new road vehicle models with new graphics.
newrvs on

// `newships' (-S) activates new ship models with new graphics.
newships on

// `newshistory' (-XH) enables collecting and displaying of news history.
newshistory on

// `newsounds' (no command line switch) allows adding new sounds to the game
via custom GRF files.
newsounds.highfrequency on // (DOS only) Mix sounds at 22KHz instead of
the default 11KHz. Allows correct playpack of 22KHz samples.

// `newspapercolour' (-XN) changes newspapers to colour in the given year.
Range 1920..2070. Default 2000.
newspapercolour 2000

// `newstations' (-Yn) enables new station graphics.
newstations on

// `newtownnames' (-YN) allows adding new town name styles for random games
via new grf files.
newtownnames on

// `newtrains' (-T) activates new train models with new graphics.
newtrains on

// `noinflation' (-I) turns off all inflation, both for cost and revenue.
noinflation on

// `nonstop' (-n) makes the "Non-stop" switch behave differently.
nonstop on

// `officefood' (-O) makes office towers accept food (tropic/arctic
officefood on

// `onewayroads' (no command line switch) enables one-way roads
onewayroads on

// `pathbasedsignalling' (-XI) enables path based signalling. Before
enabling it PLEASE read the manual, this feature is somewhat difficult to
use correctly.
pathbasedsignalling.autoconvertpresig off // Convert pre, exit and combo
signals into PBS signals
pathbasedsignalling.manualpbssig on // Allow manually setting PBS signals
pathbasedsignalling.preservemanualpresig off // Don't convert junctions
with manually set signals into PBS
pathbasedsignalling.showreservedpath on // Show reserved track pieces
pathbasedsignalling.shownonjunctionpath off // Show reserved track pieces
on non-junction tiles too
pathbasedsignalling.allowunsafejunction off // Don't hold trains at unsafe
PBS signal
pathbasedsignalling.allowunsafereverse off // Don't stop trains that can't
reverse safely

// `planecrashcontrol' (-Xc) allows you to control when planes are allowed
to crash. Bitcoded value, default 1.
planecrashcontrol.normdis on // normal plane crashes off if disasters off
planecrashcontrol.jetsdis on // crashes of jets on small airports off if
disasters off
planecrashcontrol.normbrdown off // normal plane crashes only for broken
down planes, rate * 4
planecrashcontrol.jetssamerate off // same rate for jets on small airports
and normal crashes
planecrashcontrol.normoff off // normal plane crashes off
planecrashcontrol.jetsoff off // jets on small airport crashes off

// `planes' (-p) sets the maximum number of planes. Range 1..240. Default
planes 240

// `planespeed' (-YP) makes planes fly at up to their indicated speed, not a
quarter thereof, and reduces speed to 5/8 in case of a breakdown. Range
1..4. Default 4.
planespeed 4

// `plantmanytrees' (-Yp) allows planting many trees at once. Bitcoded
value: 1 - can plant more than one tree on a square; 2 - plant trees over a
rectangular area with 'Ctrl'; 4 - more than one tree on a square in the
rectangular planting mode. Default 3.
plantmanytrees.morethanonepersquare on // Allow planting more than one
tree per square
plantmanytrees.rectangular on // Enable planting over a rectangular area
with 'Ctrl'
plantmanytrees.morethanonerectangular on // More than one tree on a square
in the rectangular planting mode

// `presignals' (-w) automatically sets up 'pre-signals' to improve station
presignals off

// `resolutionheight' (no command line switch) enables and sets the height
of the resolution patch.
resolutionheight off

// `resolutionwidth' (no command line switch) enables and sets the width of
the resolution patch.
resolutionwidth off

// `roadvehs' (-r) sets the maximum number of road vehicles. Range 1..240.
Default 240.
roadvehs 240

// `rvqueueing' (-R) makes road vehicles queue up in front of a station, not
turn around.
rvqueueing on

// `saveoptionaldata' (-Xx) makes TTDPatch save and load additional
(optional) data at the end of savegames.
saveoptionaldata on

// With `selectgoods' (-G) goods arrive only after the service has been
inaugurated, and disappear after the given number of days if the service
stops. Specifying 2 means goods never disappear. Range: 2..600. Default:
selectgoods 365

// `semaphores' (-YS) turns new signals built before 1975 into semaphore
semaphores on

// `servint' (-i) allows to change the initial service interval for new
engines. Range 1..32767. Default 16000.
servint 16000

// `sharedorders' (-XO) allows shared or copied orders.
sharedorders on

// `ships' (-b) sets the maximum number of ships. Range 1..240. Default
ships 240

// `showfulldate' (-d) always show the full date in the status, not only
when the game is paused.
showfulldate on

// `showprofitinlist' (-XL) shows colour-coded profit in the list of
showprofitinlist on

// `showspeed' (-Xs) shows the current speed for all vehicles in the status
bar of their window.
showspeed on

// `signal1waittime' (-X1) changes the number of days after which a train
waiting on a 1-way signal turns around. Range 0..254, or 255 to wait
signal1waittime 255

// `signal2waittime' (-X2) changes the number of days after which a train
waiting on a 2-way signal turns around. Range 0..254, or 255 to wait
signal2waittime 255

// `signalsontrafficside' (-Ys) displays railroad signals on the same side
of track road vehicles drive on.
signalsontrafficside on

// `signcheats' (-s) enables the sign cheats.
signcheats on

// `sortvehlist' (-Xv) sorts vehicles in vehicle list windows. The parameter
sets how much time elapses between two updates. Lower settings requre more
CPU time, but keep the list more up-to date. The setting of 10 means
approximately a TTD day. Range 0..255. Default 10.
sortvehlist 10

// `spread' (-e) makes it possible to have stations more spread out. Range
1..255. Default 20.
spread 255

// `stableindustry' (-Xi) prevents industries from closing down if Economy
is set to Steady in Difficulty settings.
stableindustry on

// `startyear' (-XY) sets the default start year for random games and allows
greater choice of starting years in the scenario editor. Range 1921..2030.
Default 1930.
startyear 1921

// `stretchwindow' (-XW) stretches the TTD window to this horizontal size in
pixels (only for the Windows version of TTD in windowed mode). Range
40..20480. Default 1280.
stretchwindow off

// `subsidiaries' (-XS) allows you to manage AI companies if you own 75%.
subsidiaries on

// `tempsnowline' (-YO) enables snow line on temperate (needs an appropriate
GRF file to actually show snow)
tempsnowline off

// `tgractstationexist' (no command line switch) defines how much the
existence of active stations increases the growth rate of a town (see the
docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to
2. Range -128..127. Default 5.
tgractstationexist 2

// `tgractstations' (no command line switch) defines how much each active
station increases the growth rate of a town (see the docs for more
information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range
0..255. Default 10.
tgractstations 10

// `tgractstationsweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
active stations contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for
more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range
0..255. Default 55.
tgractstationsweight 55

// `tgrfizzydrinksinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum
population per each 2 incoming fizzy drinks in the toyland climate (see the
docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to
2. Range 1..255. Default 30.
tgrfizzydrinksinoptim 30

// `tgrfizzydrinksinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
incoming fizzy drinks contribute to the growth rate of a town in the toyland
climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if
`towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 30.
tgrfizzydrinksinweight 30

// `tgrfoodinmin' (no command line switch) defines the minimum food
requirement of towns in snow-covered or desert areas, in population per 2
tons of incoming food (see the docs for more information). Active only if
`towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 80.
tgrfoodinmin 80

// `tgrfoodinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population
per each 2 tons of incoming food (see the docs for more information).
Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20.
tgrfoodinoptim 20

// `tgrfoodinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
incoming food contributes to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for
more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range
0..255. Default 30.
tgrfoodinweight 30

// `tgrgoodsinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population
per each 2 crates of incoming goods (see the docs for more information).
Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20.
tgrgoodsinoptim 20

// `tgrgoodsinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
incoming goods contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for
more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range
0..255. Default 20.
tgrgoodsinweight 20

// `tgrmailinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population
per each 2 bags of incoming mail (see the docs for more information).
Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 25.
tgrmailinoptim 25

// `tgrmailinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
incoming mail contributes to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for
more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range
0..255. Default 10.
tgrmailinweight 10

// `tgrmailoutweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
transported mail contributes to the growth rate of a town (see the docs for
more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range
0..255. Default 10.
tgrmailoutweight 10

// `tgrpassinmax' (no command line switch) defines the maximum number of
incoming passengers that can affect growth of a town (see the docs for more
information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range
0..65535. Default 5000.
tgrpassinmax 5000

// `tgrpassinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
incoming passengers contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs
for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2.
Range 0..255. Default 40.
tgrpassinweight 40

// `tgrpassoutweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
transported passengers contribute to the growth rate of a town (see the docs
for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2.
Range 0..255. Default 40.
tgrpassoutweight 40

// `tgrsweetsinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum
population per each 2 bags of incoming candy (sweets) in the toyland climate
(see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is
set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20.
tgrsweetsinoptim 20

// `tgrsweetsinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
incoming candy (sweets) contributes to the growth rate of a town in the
toyland climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if
`towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 20.
tgrsweetsinweight 20

// `tgrtownsizebase' (no command line switch) defines the base number of
town buildings for the calculation involving `tgrtownsizefactor' (see the
docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to
2. Range 1..255. Default 60.
tgrtownsizebase 60

// `tgrtownsizefactor' (no command line switch) defines how much the size of
a town influences its growth rate (see the docs for more information).
Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 63
(i.e. 25% influence).
tgrtownsizefactor 63

// `tgrwaterinmin' (no command line switch) defines the minimum water
requirement of towns in desert areas, in population per 2 tons (2,000
liters) of incoming water (see the docs for more information). Active only
if `towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 80.
tgrwaterinmin 80

// `tgrwaterinoptim' (no command line switch) defines the optimum population
per each 2 tons (2,000 liters) of incoming water in the sub-tropical climate
(see the docs for more information). Active only if `towngrowthratemode' is
set to 2. Range 1..255. Default 20.
tgrwaterinoptim 20

// `tgrwaterinweight' (no command line switch) defines how effectively
incoming water contributes to the growth rate of a town in the sub-tropical
climate (see the docs for more information). Active only if
`towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 30.
tgrwaterinweight 30

// `townbuildnoroads' (no command line switch) towns build no roads.
townbuildnoroads on

// `towngrowthlimit' (-Xt) changes the factor that limits the maximum
possible extent of towns. Range 12..128. Default 80.
towngrowthlimit 80

// `towngrowthratemax' (no command line switch) defines the maximum growth
rate of towns, in new houses per century. Active only if
`towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 10..4800. Default 600.
towngrowthratemax 600

// `towngrowthratemin' (no command line switch) defines the minimum growth
rate of towns, in new houses per century. Active only if
`towngrowthratemode' is set to 2. Range 0..255. Default 20.
towngrowthratemin 20

// `towngrowthratemode' (-YT) makes it possible to define rules for the
calculation of the growth rate for towns. Mode: 0 - TTD original, 1 - TTD
extended, 2 - custom. See the docs for more information.
towngrowthratemode 2

// `townminpopulationdesert' (no command line switch) defines the minimum
population to which towns in desert areas can grow even without food and
water supplies. Active if `towngrowthratemode', `towngrowthlimit' or
`generalfixes' is enabled. Range 0..255. Default 60.
townminpopulationdesert 60

// `townminpopulationsnow' (no command line switch) defines the minimum
population to which towns in snow-covered areas can grow even without food
supplies. Active if `towngrowthratemode', `towngrowthlimit' or
`generalfixes' is enabled. Range 0..255. Default 90.
townminpopulationsnow 90

// `townroadbranchprob' (no command line switch) changes the probability of
a town building a road branch. 0 means almost no branches, 65535 means
branch everywhere possible. TTD's default is 26214. Range 0..65535. Default
townroadbranchprob off

// `toylandfeatures' (no command line switch) enables landscape features
that are normally disabled in random games in the toyland climate, such as
lighthouses. Bitcoded value.
toylandfeatures.lighthouses on // Enable lighthouses on sea shores in
toylandfeatures.woodlands off // Enable woodlands (clusters of trees) in

// `tracktypecostdiff' (-Yc) makes different track types have different
tracktypecostdiff on

// `trainrefit' (-f) makes it possible to refit train engines.
trainrefit on

// `trains' (-t) sets the maximum number of trains. Range 1..240. Default
trains 240

// `unifiedmaglev' (-XM) makes it possible to buy monorail engines in maglev
depots or vice versa. Mode: 1 - convert all maglev engines to monorail; 2 -
convert all monorail engines to maglev; 3 - keep separate monorail and
unifiedmaglev 1

// `verbose' (-v) shows a summary of the switches before starting TTD.
verbose off

// `wagonspeedlimits' (-YL) enables speed limits for train wagons.
wagonspeedlimits 20

// `win2k' (-2) makes the Windows version of TTD compatible with Windows
win2k on

// `windowsnap' (-Xz) let windows snap together. Range 0..255. Default 10.
windowsnap 10

// `autoreplace' (no command line switch) upgrades vehicles to the best
available new type, with the given minimum reliability in percent. Range
1..100, default 80.
autoreplace 80

// `autoslope' (no command line switch) allows to terraform without
removeing structure.
autoslope 1

// **** New switches ****

// `newgrfcfg' (-Xn) chooses the configuration file for new graphics sets.
// newgrfcfg newgrfw.cfg

<-- END OF FILE -->

Carlos Correia
Lisbon, Portugal
Josef Drexler
2005-10-26 14:34:03 UTC
Post by Carlos Correia
And this is my ttdpatch.cfg. i also liked to know if i can alter anything to
That really depends on what you consider an improvement...

But here are a few comments...
Post by Carlos Correia
// `cheatscost' (-Xo) makes sign cheats cost money when used.
cheatscost off
I like to turn this on, so that it feels less like cheating when I use
"Cht: Renew" occasionally. I don't use "Cht: Tracks" so much nowadays
but do occasionally upgrade my regular rails to electrified that way;
then I want to pay for that properly.
Post by Carlos Correia
// `enginespersist' (-P) keeps engines around for as long as they are in
enginespersist on
It's better to turn this off if you use any of the new vehicle sets,
since they have so many engines in the list that it can be unwieldy, and
also there's currently a bug in relation to the use of the "early
retirement" option in the grf files.

You can leave it on if you still want to be able to buy steam engines in
the later years, but otherwise I'd turn it off.
Post by Carlos Correia
// `feederservice' (-Xf) modifies forced unload and profit on a station
accepting that cargo to leave the cargo at the station, not cash in.
feederservice off
// `fifoloading' (-YF) enable FIFO loading.
fifoloading off
You have these off, I have them on, but there's really no setting that's
"better" than the other, it depends on how you want to play the game.
Post by Carlos Correia
// `fullloadany' (-F) makes a train leave a station if any type of cargo is
fullloadany off
Same here.
Post by Carlos Correia
// `largertowns' (-XT) makes each one out of a given number of towns grow
faster and larger (also applying `towngrowthlimit' selectively). Range
1..70. Default 4 (one out of four towns).
largertowns 1
This makes all towns grow faster, I'm not sure if that's what you want.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Play Chess, not Basketball. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Carlos Correia
2005-10-29 01:27:45 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Josef Drexler" <***@joesbox.cjb.net>
Newsgroups: alt.games.microprose.transport-tyc
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: How to improve features - ttdpatch.cfg (Part II)
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Carlos Correia
And this is my ttdpatch.cfg. i also liked to know if i can alter anything to
That really depends on what you consider an improvement...
But here are a few comments...
Post by Carlos Correia
// `cheatscost' (-Xo) makes sign cheats cost money when used.
cheatscost off
I like to turn this on, so that it feels less like cheating when I use
"Cht: Renew" occasionally. I don't use "Cht: Tracks" so much nowadays
but do occasionally upgrade my regular rails to electrified that way;
then I want to pay for that properly.
Im not so anal...
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Carlos Correia
// `enginespersist' (-P) keeps engines around for as long as they are in
enginespersist on
It's better to turn this off if you use any of the new vehicle sets,
since they have so many engines in the list that it can be unwieldy, and
also there's currently a bug in relation to the use of the "early
retirement" option in the grf files.
You can leave it on if you still want to be able to buy steam engines in
the later years, but otherwise I'd turn it off.
I like to have all the engines available, just for fun... Coal, for example,
is transported
with steamers (free fuel!) and oil, goods from the refinary and petrol, are
transported with
diesel engines (now i'm that anal!) :)
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Carlos Correia
// `feederservice' (-Xf) modifies forced unload and profit on a station
accepting that cargo to leave the cargo at the station, not cash in.
feederservice off
// `fifoloading' (-YF) enable FIFO loading.
fifoloading off
You have these off, I have them on, but there's really no setting that's
"better" than the other, it depends on how you want to play the game.
I use this once in a early version and it was very buggy! Trains did not
load with "full load" command
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Carlos Correia
// `fullloadany' (-F) makes a train leave a station if any type of cargo is
fullloadany off
In DBsetXL i use 16 wagons - The Engine + 12 Passenger + 4 mail, i don't
i would like trains to leave a station with only 4 mail cars full
Post by Josef Drexler
Same here.
Post by Carlos Correia
// `largertowns' (-XT) makes each one out of a given number of towns grow
faster and larger (also applying `towngrowthlimit' selectively). Range
1..70. Default 4 (one out of four towns).
largertowns 1
This makes all towns grow faster, I'm not sure if that's what you want.
Well, i've used 1 and 4... I like BIG cities...

Keep up Mr Drexler, and thank you all !
Post by Josef Drexler
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Play Chess, not Basketball. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Carlos Correia
Lisbon, Portugal
