(too old to reply)
2004-11-12 21:01:33 UTC
From: "ggggggggggg" <ggh>
Subject: New planeset
Date: 08 November 2004 16:58

When I use the highspeedbridge I get a invalid sprite message #40. What does
this mean? Have you seen the new ufo plane? Is it possible that somebody
could make the new planeset an exe to merge with the old ttd airplanes?

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Josef Drexler
2004-11-13 00:16:09 UTC
Post by D
When I use the highspeedbridge I get a invalid sprite message #40. What does
this mean?
This means it's not compatible with the version of TTDPatch you're using.
Try downloading an updated version of the set... or asking the author to
fix it.
Post by D
Have you seen the new ufo plane? Is it possible that somebody
could make the new planeset an exe to merge with the old ttd airplanes?
No, the plane set uses advanced patch features, it doesn't just replace
graphics, so you can't make an exe out of it.
Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
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