Post by MePost by CompfixAfter playing the game for a while I find I must change my opinion of it.
At first I considered it a really poor substitute for TTDLX, but it sort of
grows on you. There are still some things that could be done better,
probably in a bugfix/upgrade to deluxe.
I found I have been through several stages of hating/liking it. I am hating
it now as a couple of scenarios can be so easily won by building several
Concorde. It really doesn't belong in the game, or needs to carry less
people and cost about 50 times more a month to run!
I don't mean to be heretic about ttd/locomotion but after seeing what the
demo of the new RCT3 is - fully 3d, nice grapiscs, etc. I thing i'll be
sticking to it.
Thw only new feature in locomotion that i really want to see in ttd is
playfield rotation - in fact i was thinking of a way to acheive it by
saving the same and rotaing the tiles in the save. It is trivial but
complicated to do. Some graphics wont be ok, but roting on 180 degress
would be fine . well graphis wont be ok.
as for rct3 - the engine is wery good and the trakbuilding is more
conveniet. only the put the simcity 4 interface in. but i can sware maxis
were bought by EA not Atari.