Post by Christoph 'Mehdorn' WeberPost by Mario SchmidtBut I have to admit that I switched from TTDPatch to OpenTTD and this
group is rather useless for me now. But I still check it.
But not completely useless. I'm still here and from time to time an
active OTTD player. I made a nice scenario a few weeks ago.
Indeed i am very afraid to download OTTD, 'cose i might like it more than
TTDX / TTDPatch...
Post by Christoph 'Mehdorn' Weber_And_ I have a question: Does anybody knows about discompatibilities
betwenn OTTD and "The Patch?"
If there are really incompatibilities, would i prefer more OTTD or TTDX /
...Patch? I just cant imagine myself using 2 diferent games for the same
objective... Sooner or later i would have to choose... I think i can downl.
it, with no commitments...
Quote: If you do the the things the way you always made them, all you get,
is what you already have.
Scary... Right?
Post by Christoph 'Mehdorn' WeberI'm thinking about a website where I could place my favourite maps and
it could be very helpful to know if I would have to place different map
versions for OTTD and TTDPatch.
The www is already stuffed with (maybe) usseless maps, i always
wanted a realistic map of Germany to play with DBsetXL, and it's
impossible to find. I think ttdforuns have it, but i do not see php foruns,
i just can't! I have 56k and cgi-bin foruns are way far better 'cose i can
see them offline... I adm. a website with a cgi-bin forum about scale
modeling but in one year i only have 3 registered users... A well know
php forum (in here - Portugal) about scale modelling - a well known
lobby (!), have almost 200 users in a couple of months! Why people
like more php? Is slow! Hard to search (the search engines cannot
follow a conversation) only topics or keywords, cannot be stored in
About the maps: i have a realistic map, almost perfect of Portugal, but i
can't play it! Because its too damn perfect! I just cant imagine to put
railroads where they don't really exist! For a Portuguese like me, it's
understandable, but for a German, that maybe is not aware of the
geografy, could be quite fun. Maybe a German could find a railroad line
connecting Munchen - Frankfurt (Mein) - Koln - Hanburg - Berlin, a pretty
impossible think (or maybe dull), but for me, that i'm not really aware of
"what, when, where, why" of DRG / DB / K.Bay.Sts.B / K.W.St.E , it's really
fun! Since i am a poor guy, i can't buy model trains (HO), i have to amuse
myself in the closet playing TTDX/P... If i were rich, i probably had lots
of marklin trains, and still play TTDX... Since not... Dreaming... Call me
I can post or send by e-mail the map, if anyone want's it... I didn't made
it, it was made by someone who grow to old to play ttdx and erased the
website forever... I even have a PT train set, but is integrated in the
trg1r.grf and i really don't know how to create a separate .grf file with
the grafics... Please help! Please?! Mr. Joseph? Mr. Blunck? Mr.Grzegorczyk?
Ty_Coon (President of Vice)