2.0.1 alpha 41
(too old to reply)
Josef Drexler
2004-12-13 07:04:37 UTC
Hi all,

after a few weeks of waiting, here's the latest alpha version available
at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/

This one has a bunch of *major* new features.

The first new feature is called "path based signalling". It allows
several trains into a signal block as long as their paths don't
interfere, and it greatly enhances all station entrances and exits as
well as most junctions. However, it is somewhat dangerous and takes some
care to use right, so please read the manual page before trying to use it
(or else you may get train crashes): http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-

Furthermore, Marijn wrote several new features: "windowsnap <dist>" to
make windows snap to each other, "newcargodistribution on" to improve the
distribution of cargo among two stations serving the same industry,
"aichoosechances on" et.al. to set the probabilities with which the AI
will attempt to build new services, and last but not least,
"custombridgeheads on". This switch allows you to rearrange the track
and road pieces on flat bridge heads.

In addition, after a large amount of work to get it working right, Oskar
was able to change the resolution of TTD's window (in the Windows version
only). Enable this using "resolutionwidth <num>" and "resolutionheight
<num>". The width must be a multiple of 4 (or sometimes 32) or you may
get distortions.

For more information on all of these features, please see the updated
manual pages, as usual at http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-

Have fun!


All changes in 2.0.1 alpha 41:
- made "unknown bit" a warning, not a fatal error
- new train callback 1D to check whether vehicle may be attached to
current engine
- (devel) made a few more convenience macro for storeaddress et.al.
taking only one or two argument
- allow action 6 between an action 3 and its override action 3's
- new experimental feature: path-based signalling
- new sign cheat "Cht: StopAll" stops all vehicles (except aircraft
in flight) or "Cht: StopAll 0" to start them again
- fixed ttdpatch.cfg comments for switches with no command line
switch in Windows version
- added changes by Marijn:
* fixed bug allowing the construction of multiple HQs
* new switch "newcargodistribution on" for better distribution
of cargo among multiple stations serving an industry
* allow docks on flat land (for canals)
* new switch "windowsnap <dist>" (-Xz) to make windows snap to
each other if moved within the given number of pixels
(default 10)
* draw coast under bridges over water
* new switch "custombridgeheads on" allows rearranging track
and road pieces on flat bridge heads
* new set of switches to choose the probability with which the
AI will attempt to build new routes, enable with
"aichoosechances on", then set the individual probabilities
with "aibuildrailchance", "aibuildrvchance" and
"aibuildairchance", ship routes will be the remainder, with a
value of 65535 meaning 100%.
- (devel) by Marcin: fixed bug in nasm resulting in inefficient code
for forward references (new nasm version in source zip)
- (devel) fixed multipatchcode not working if search offset was
negative and fragment not being overwritten
- fixed incorrect station track types with electrifiedrailways off
- by Oskar: allow changing the resolution TTD runs in (Windows
version only), set it with "resolutionwidth <num>" and
"resolutionheight <num>"; in fullscreen TTD must be able to find
the corresponding DirectX mode for this to work
Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Avoid showers. Take a bath. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
2004-12-13 17:39:08 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
The first new feature is called "path based signalling". It allows
several trains into a signal block as long as their paths don't
interfere, and it greatly enhances all station entrances and exits as
well as most junctions. However, it is somewhat dangerous and takes some
care to use right, so please read the manual page before trying to use it
(or else you may get train crashes): http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-
Haven't run the game for ages but this change seems worth a try now!
Jean-Luc Picard
2004-12-13 23:02:54 UTC
Thank you very much, Josef.

The patch is a real good work!!!
Jean-Luc Picard (Madrid)
My mind is going... I can feel it
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all,
after a few weeks of waiting, here's the latest alpha version available
at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
This one has a bunch of *major* new features.
The first new feature is called "path based signalling". It allows
several trains into a signal block as long as their paths don't
interfere, and it greatly enhances all station entrances and exits as
well as most junctions. However, it is somewhat dangerous and takes some
care to use right, so please read the manual page before trying to use it
(or else you may get train crashes): http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-
Furthermore, Marijn wrote several new features: "windowsnap <dist>" to
make windows snap to each other, "newcargodistribution on" to improve the
distribution of cargo among two stations serving the same industry,
"aichoosechances on" et.al. to set the probabilities with which the AI
will attempt to build new services, and last but not least,
"custombridgeheads on". This switch allows you to rearrange the track
and road pieces on flat bridge heads.
In addition, after a large amount of work to get it working right, Oskar
was able to change the resolution of TTD's window (in the Windows version
only). Enable this using "resolutionwidth <num>" and "resolutionheight
<num>". The width must be a multiple of 4 (or sometimes 32) or you may
get distortions.
For more information on all of these features, please see the updated
manual pages, as usual at http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-
Have fun!
- made "unknown bit" a warning, not a fatal error
- new train callback 1D to check whether vehicle may be attached to
current engine
- (devel) made a few more convenience macro for storeaddress et.al.
taking only one or two argument
- allow action 6 between an action 3 and its override action 3's
- new experimental feature: path-based signalling
- new sign cheat "Cht: StopAll" stops all vehicles (except aircraft
in flight) or "Cht: StopAll 0" to start them again
- fixed ttdpatch.cfg comments for switches with no command line
switch in Windows version
* fixed bug allowing the construction of multiple HQs
* new switch "newcargodistribution on" for better distribution
of cargo among multiple stations serving an industry
* allow docks on flat land (for canals)
* new switch "windowsnap <dist>" (-Xz) to make windows snap to
each other if moved within the given number of pixels
(default 10)
* draw coast under bridges over water
* new switch "custombridgeheads on" allows rearranging track
and road pieces on flat bridge heads
* new set of switches to choose the probability with which the
AI will attempt to build new routes, enable with
"aichoosechances on", then set the individual probabilities
with "aibuildrailchance", "aibuildrvchance" and
"aibuildairchance", ship routes will be the remainder, with a
value of 65535 meaning 100%.
- (devel) by Marcin: fixed bug in nasm resulting in inefficient code
for forward references (new nasm version in source zip)
- (devel) fixed multipatchcode not working if search offset was
negative and fragment not being overwritten
- fixed incorrect station track types with electrifiedrailways off
- by Oskar: allow changing the resolution TTD runs in (Windows
version only), set it with "resolutionwidth <num>" and
"resolutionheight <num>"; in fullscreen TTD must be able to find
the corresponding DirectX mode for this to work
Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Avoid showers. Take a bath. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
2004-12-14 19:53:04 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
The first new feature is called "path based signalling". It allows
several trains into a signal block as long as their paths don't
interfere, and it greatly enhances all station entrances and exits as
well as most junctions. However, it is somewhat dangerous and takes some
care to use right, so please read the manual page before trying to use it
(or else you may get train crashes): http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-
This is a great feature! Thanks! Does the demo-savegame also show how to
activate road crossings earlier than usual? I couldn´t find it.

Would it be possible to change the build-in signal in a train-depot into a
presignal? (Possibly PBS enabled?) That would make my railroad networks
even more efficient!
2004-12-14 21:12:30 UTC
Post by DJTB
Does the demo-savegame also show how to
activate road crossings earlier than usual? I couldn´t find it.
Already figured out:


<E and E>: one-way exit signals
<P and P>: one-way presignals
----: railroad track
--||--: level crossing

I have another question:

Consider the following (standard) track layout:


--- = railroad track

SSSSS = a station with two tracks, assume both tracks are occupied
C = combo exit-signals, PBS enabled (automatically), both red since both
tracks are occupied
Post by DJTB
= normal one-way signal, green
<P = one-way presignal, PBS enabled (automatically), green (!!!)

OOOOOO = a train approaching the station. It should load/unload at that
station but since both tracks are occupied, and the > one-way signal is
green, a path is being created from <P to >
In the old (presignal) behaviour, a train would wait at <P until one or more
C signals are green. But now, a train returns to where it came from... Is
that a bug or a feature?
Josef Drexler
2004-12-14 22:24:03 UTC
Post by DJTB
Post by DJTB
Does the demo-savegame also show how to
activate road crossings earlier than usual? I couldn´t find it.
To answer your other questions, depots use PBS in a PBS block.
Post by DJTB
Why do you use combo signals here? I'd think that regular exit signals
would work better. Also make sure that they're two-way signals, because a
train will wait at a PBS signal if all its routes go through two-way
signals, but if they go to one-way signals it will approach the one-way
signal with the hope that it goes green soon.
Post by DJTB
In the old (presignal) behaviour, a train would wait at <P until one or
more C signals are green. But now, a train returns to where it came
from... Is that a bug or a feature?
It's a feature, trains no longer wait at red signals unless they can't find
a path to their destination. While considering paths, they won't find
paths through red two-way signals, but they will find paths through red
one-way signals.
Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
2004-12-15 11:25:46 UTC
Why do you use combo signals here?  I'd think that regular exit signals
would work better.  Also make sure that they're two-way signals, because a
train will wait at a PBS signal if all its routes go through two-way
signals, but if they go to one-way signals it will approach the one-way
signal with the hope that it goes green soon.
whoops! My bad, I used wrong terminology here. I meant the two-way exit
signales (with white vertical rectangle signs on it).

In your PBS demo, I made three trains occupy all three tracks of Carnley
station. Now, other trains with destination Carnley station wait at the
(PBS enabled) presignal instead of returning...

Another question: how did you manage to (locigally) connect Carnley station
and Carnley Airport (they both share the same station sign) while they're
not physically attached? Is that a new feature?
Ronnie Clark
2004-12-15 13:45:23 UTC
Post by DJTB
Another question: how did you manage to (locigally) connect Carnley station
and Carnley Airport (they both share the same station sign) while they're
not physically attached? Is that a new feature?
Without being able to check, this sounds like the age old trick of
leap-frogging stations.

ie, build station.
build adjacent lorry depot
build bus depot adjacent to lorry depot
delete lorry depot
build new lorry depot adjacent to bus stop
delete bus stop
build new bus stop adjacent to lorry depot.... etc.

Each time you leap frog, you can move things further away, thus expanding
the catchment area of a station.

It's nothing new. This was something I started doing way back in the
original Transport Tycoon, but TTDeluxe made it harder by limiting how far
spread the components of a station can be. However, the Patch then cured
this with the "stationspread" switch, which allows bits of station to be
upto half the map away from each other.

I find in later years it is particularly useful in building a "parkway"
style railway station on the edge of a large town, then leap-frogging a
"heliport" into the middle of the town.

Volunteer guard on the Great Central Railway, Loughborough, Leicestershire
Visit the world's only double track preserved steam railway!
Josef Drexler
2004-12-16 01:33:13 UTC
Post by DJTB
Why do you use combo signals here?  I'd think that regular exit signals
would work better.  Also make sure that they're two-way signals, because a
train will wait at a PBS signal if all its routes go through two-way
signals, but if they go to one-way signals it will approach the one-way
signal with the hope that it goes green soon.
whoops! My bad, I used wrong terminology here. I meant the two-way exit
signales (with white vertical rectangle signs on it).
In your PBS demo, I made three trains occupy all three tracks of Carnley
station. Now, other trains with destination Carnley station wait at the
(PBS enabled) presignal instead of returning...
So you have two-way signals at the station entrance and the train doesn't
wait if all two-way exits are full? That's not how it should behave,
unless it can find another path into the station.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Use tape&glue, no paperweights | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
2004-12-14 21:32:52 UTC
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all,
after a few weeks of waiting, here's the latest alpha version available
at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
This one has a bunch of *major* new features.
The first new feature is called "path based signalling". It allows
several trains into a signal block as long as their paths don't
interfere, and it greatly enhances all station entrances and exits as
well as most junctions. However, it is somewhat dangerous and takes some
care to use right, so please read the manual page before trying to use it
(or else you may get train crashes): http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-
Here's a suggestion to prevent train crashes:

* forbid trains to reverse/change direction in an interchange block

I've made a Y-junction, a 'lost' used this junction as a tail track ie it
reversed within the interchange block (it seems it didn't obey its path??)
At the same moment, another train entered the interchange block (the
original paths were not crossing), but since the first trained reversed
direction, both trains crashed.
Josef Drexler
2004-12-14 22:27:03 UTC
Post by DJTB
* forbid trains to reverse/change direction in an interchange block
It's very difficult to reliably find out whether a train is in a PBS block
or not, so if I did this I'd probably have to disable reversing *entirely*
(that includes terminus stations... which require reversing to work).
Post by DJTB
I've made a Y-junction, a 'lost' used this junction as a tail track ie it
reversed within the interchange block (it seems it didn't obey its path??)
At the same moment, another train entered the interchange block (the
original paths were not crossing), but since the first trained reversed
direction, both trains crashed.
I don't know what I can do about that. When it reverses, it should reserve
a new path out of the block. Maybe if that fails I should pull the
emergency brakes and ground the train and lock the signal block, but that
could get annoying very quickly...
Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Don't do push ups | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Ronnie Clark
2004-12-15 00:09:24 UTC
Josef Drexler wrote in message ...
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all,
after a few weeks of waiting, here's the latest alpha version available
at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
This one has a bunch of *major* new features.
They all sound fantastic... However all I get is crashing whilst it's

A crash log is:

TTD V000793D9 Crash Log by TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 41 (DOS)

Exception 0D at 000F:00219064

FFFFFF00 00000F93 00090590 0000A130

0010B7FA 00000006 0011CCAC 00000000

0017 0017 00FF 0107 0017 00010286
00AB4FFF 00AB4FFF 0000FFFF 0000FFFF 00AB4FFF (Segment limits)
00C0F300 00C0F300 00C0F300 00C0F300 00C0F300 (Access rights)

Bytes at CS:EIP
64 80 38 60 74 1C 64 80 38 90 74 05 E9 29 00 00

Stack Dump:
000008F0 00000987 00153AC4 0013618D A1300006 FFFF0002 0580000D
00121EE4 08A00510 00134453 00000FB5 0011CCE6 051008A0 0F960578
08900011 05700520 00000FA9 0011CD02 05300880 0F960568 CD100000
05700520 00000FA9 0011CD1E 05300890 0FA90568 CD2C0000 08800011

Handler Stack Dump (at 02F3:00000FA8):
00000000 00001E3C 000000A7 00000086 00000017 0000000D 00000204
00000000 00219064 0000000F 00010286 0011CCAC 00000017 00000000
00000008 00000222 0000003B 00000206 00000013 000000A7 ########
######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ########

Patch flags:
5EFEF73F F8FDF777 83D9FFFC 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000129F
00000000 00001000 FFFF7D00 009607D0 00000000 016D0000 76260500
02580320 7F0012C0 80020505 FF02FFFF 50FFFF80 145000FF 1E14141E
03FF0000 F0F0FFFF FA01F0F0 FFFFFF00 01016401 02800303 3E020100
14050401 90900A00


I'll e-mail config file if required, although it is a config file for the
previous version. It won't get as far as re-writing a new config file
(although I've tried to load it wirthout making it do this).

Volunteer guard on the Great Central Railway, Loughborough, Leicestershire
Visit the world's only double track preserved steam railway!
Josef Drexler
2004-12-15 01:21:12 UTC
Post by Ronnie Clark
Josef Drexler wrote in message ...
Post by Josef Drexler
Hi all,
after a few weeks of waiting, here's the latest alpha version available
at http://www.ttdpatch.net/src/
This one has a bunch of *major* new features.
They all sound fantastic... However all I get is crashing whilst it's
TTD V000793D9 Crash Log by TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 41 (DOS)
Exception 0D at 000F:00219064
That's odd, the only thing that I can think of is that somehow you have a
bridge right at the edge of the map, where you shouldn't be able to have
one. It's probably a broken savegame.
Post by Ronnie Clark
I'll e-mail config file if required, although it is a config file for the
previous version. It won't get as far as re-writing a new config file
(although I've tried to load it wirthout making it do this).
That sounds rather unlikely... Did you run it with the options to make a
new .cfg file? It writes that file before starting TTD, and the above
crash is definitely while TTD is running.
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
Ronnie Clark
2004-12-15 04:05:30 UTC
Josef Drexler wrote in message ...
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Ronnie Clark
Josef Drexler wrote in message ...
TTD V000793D9 Crash Log by TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 41 (DOS)
Exception 0D at 000F:00219064
That's odd, the only thing that I can think of is that somehow you have a
bridge right at the edge of the map, where you shouldn't be able to have
one. It's probably a broken savegame.
No, the crash occurs whilst the programme itself is loading. It only gets as
far as the first black screen with mouse cursor (not even "Microprose
presents") before crashing. As I currently have no speakers, I cannot say
whether the music starts or not.

Volunteer guard on the Great Central Railway, Loughborough, Leicestershire
Visit the world's only double track preserved steam railway!
Josef Drexler
2004-12-15 04:36:45 UTC
Post by Ronnie Clark
Josef Drexler wrote in message ...
Post by Josef Drexler
Post by Ronnie Clark
TTD V000793D9 Crash Log by TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 41 (DOS)
Exception 0D at 000F:00219064
That's odd, the only thing that I can think of is that somehow you have a
bridge right at the edge of the map, where you shouldn't be able to have
one. It's probably a broken savegame.
No, the crash occurs whilst the programme itself is loading. It only gets as
far as the first black screen with mouse cursor (not even "Microprose
presents") before crashing. As I currently have no speakers, I cannot say
whether the music starts or not.
Very odd. In that case I'll probably need your ttdpatch.cfg and
newgrf.cfg to investigate. Just email them to the From: address (and
don't remove the nospam bit).
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Walk with a light step. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.
2004-12-15 12:52:08 UTC
The first new feature is called "path based signalling".  It allows
several trains into a signal block as long as their paths don't
interfere, and it greatly enhances all station entrances and exits as
well as most junctions.  However, it is somewhat dangerous and takes some
care to use right, so please read the manual page before trying to use it
(or else you may get train crashes): http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-
Here's another bug report:

trains are unable to find a path to a train depot if the only way to access
the depot is via a PBS block. The train will wait (forever) in front of a
green signal. This doesn't happen to newly built depots, but after saving
the game, all depots (including the newly built ones) will be unreachable
via a PBS block...
Josef Drexler
2004-12-16 05:11:11 UTC
Post by DJTB
trains are unable to find a path to a train depot if the only way to access
the depot is via a PBS block. The train will wait (forever) in front of a
green signal. This doesn't happen to newly built depots, but after saving
the game, all depots (including the newly built ones) will be unreachable
via a PBS block...
Do those that stop working by any chance have a train in them?
Josef Drexler | http://jdrexler.com/home/
Please help Conserve Gravity | Email address is *valid*.
Play Hockey, not Baseball. | Don't remove the "nospam" part.